Five Syrians Stopped at Laredo International Bridge One


LAREDO, TEXAS (KGNS) – Five more Syrians have been stopped at a Laredo port of entry on Friday. This brings the total number of Syrians seeking to enter the US through our city this week up to 13.

According to a statement from the Department of Homeland Security, five Syrian nationals presented themselves at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge. A family consisting of a man, woman and child, and two other men were taken into custody by Customs and Border Protection — a standard procedure.  

Five more Syrians have been stopped at a Laredo port of entry on Friday. This brings the total number of Syrians seeking to enter the US through our city this week up to 13.The statement reads that CBP “checked their identities against numerous law enforcement and national security related databases. Records checks revealed no derogatory information about the individuals. CBP turned them over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for further processing and placement in an ICE facility.”

As you may recall, a group of eight Syrians were also taken by CBP at a Laredo port of entry on Tuesday.

3 thoughts on “Five Syrians Stopped at Laredo International Bridge One

  1. Gonna ram the syrian thing down everybodies throat til we are all willing to go and send our children to war for Israel aren’t they. This is all BS. Don’t fall for it!

  2. The Mexican/US border is wide the f#@k open and these five dumbass Syrians go through a check point? they deserve to get caught! But, holy shit, batman! look over there at the check point…SYRIANS! …mean while back at the bare open border out of camera view, 300 Jihadists ladened with WMDs drive across into the deserts of America.

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