Full-Spectrum Dominance: The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Stealth Attack

In The News Today

THE INTERNET MILITIA – The following thoughts are not about whether or not ‘the virus’ was created on purpose.

That the de facto world government is real has already been proven and that they are using an out of the box template to take control over the situation and society has also been documented. 

So, here’s the idea.

When you want to control the planet but you know at the same time that you will never be able to invade all the nations that you would like to see destroyed then your only option is for those nations to destroy themselves and each other.

This manufactured pandemic hysteria is doing exactly that, so it seems.

In world politics and corporate circles there’s no mercy. There are no real allies. Everyone there is out to make money no matter what (that’s the new religion, m-o-n-e-y). Lying, cheating, stealing, corruption, extortion, blackmailing, murder. All of it is daily routine.

But, it’s obvious that the monostream media is being used to sell a master narrative: There’s a virus. It’s deadly. No cure. Lockdown.

The fear for most people is not based on facts and events that they witnessed or experienced, but rather on information events. People heard something, saw it on TV, in the newspaper, on their Facebook timelines.

Must be real.

All hell breaks loose. More and more ‘truth seekers’ fall victim to the deception and buy into the fear wave that prescribes national lockdowns.

One after another, governments too fall victim to the fear wave because they heard of other governments locking down their countries.

Those who control the monostream newswires sit back and enjoy the show.

Not a single bullet was fired. Not a single soldier was sent into the trenches but the world goes on lockdown. Not because they have to but because they heard so. TV is telling politicians to be afraid and to take action. The de facto world government and their scriptwriters are having a ball, the world is going bananas. They love it. This actually works!

Economies grind to a halt. Tax systems are on the verge of collapse. The lockdowns cost money, lots of it. It’s not there. Governments respond with new austerity measures.

People get nervous, the lockdowns drag on while the number of infections is not being reduced. People see their income fading away as they too resort to fresh debt. Just like their governments. They realize the lockdowns didn’t work.

Entire nations destroy themselves from within.


In The News Today


6 thoughts on “Full-Spectrum Dominance: The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Stealth Attack

  1. Re: “Not a single bullet was fired. Not a single soldier was sent into the trenches but the world goes on lockdown.”

    Quite astounding, when you think of it. I’m seeing how it plays out in my own life with the people I know and am related to. COMPLIANCE. NAIVETY. FEAR. Though I know many see through the lies, I just happen to know many who don’t and I’m now seeing them as assisting the enemy. I’m hearing things like, “Just trust the authorities; they’ll get us through this.” Also, “Get tested, and for God’s sake, get the vaccine when it’s available.” And the usual, “Follow orders. Stay inside. Wash your hands.” And the absolute stupidest response: “The virus is because of global warming.” CRAZY!! None of those who are saying these things to me understands what’s at risk in terms of our rights. It is sickening to behold. I say what I can in response, but more and more I am withdrawing from them.

    Yesterday I told my husband that it is not the fight against tyranny that stresses me, but rather all the so-called friends and family who are not on-board. There used to be so much love flowing between us, among us, but now it’s just courtesies and the occasional check-in, only to confirm we ARE NOT on the same page.

    Now what’s that old bible quote? “And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.” Boy, do I have to learn this one.


    1. ‘Now what’s that old bible quote? “And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.” Boy, do I have to learn this one.
      I learned that years ago. In my heart I said good bye to some of my family. Those that want Truth will seek it.
      Of course there will be those that seek relief in the bosom of evil despite your warnings.

      1. I totally agree with both of you, Galen and Mary. Just about the only thing that pisses me off now is the complete sheeple-ness of those folks who I know used to have (as Mark would say) “a pair” if you know what I mean, and especially those I know claim to believe on Christ. And yes, some are loved ones.

        Further, I have a similar scene in one of my novels where the character basically “wipes the dust off his sandals” (he’s not barefoot if you know what I mean) knowing those he speaks truth to will never accept that truth.

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