Giggles the Pig Enters Flint, Michigan Mayoral Race

gigglesformayorThe Independent Political Report

A new write-in candidate has entered the race for Flint mayor: Giggles the pig. Gary Ridley reports at

In a bizarre turn of events that has already set the stage for the possibility of a blank mayoral ballot in Flint, local defense attorney Michael Ewing is trying to enter his pet pig, Giggles, into a race that could already consist of all write-in candidates.  

While Ewing said Giggles would bring a term of calm and civility to the often tumultuous mayor’s office, it isn’t exactly clear if the nearly 1-year-old mini-pig can even legally run a write-in campaign.

If Giggles were somehow elected, Giggles would join the ranks of a handful of other animals, including dogs, cats and a beer-swilling billy goat, to be elected to leadership positions around the country.

The announcement that Giggles was seeking to become the next mayor of Flint was made when Ewing launched a Facebook page Monday, May 4, following news earlier this week that no names would appear on the upcoming mayoral primary ballot because a clerical error resulted in the wrong date given to candidates to submit their nominating petitions and signatures on time.

Four candidates who submitted signatures were told they missed the signature deadline by a week.

Ewing said he believes an all-write-in mayoral race will result in residents electing an unqualified leader.

All Chris Christie jokes aside, this is not the first time a pig has run for office. In 1968 the Youth International Party (Yippies) nominated “Pigasus” for president at the Democratic convention. They were subsequently arrested for disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and transporting livestock into Chicago.

4 thoughts on “Giggles the Pig Enters Flint, Michigan Mayoral Race

  1. Bitchin’ idea.

    A pig cannot sign docs, make decrees…Gov would not ‘progress’.

    I like it.

  2. “Giggles would join the ranks of a handful of other animals, including dogs, cats and a beer-swilling billy goat, to be elected to leadership positions around the country.”

    I wish they gave a detailed list. Not that it would matter much, but I’d like to know what kind of animal my governor is.

    As for Flint, it was worse than Detroit two decades ago, and I’d assumed it achieved ghost-town status by now.

  3. Definitely the LEAST corrupt of the ‘candidates’.

    Doubt any jews will be shaking ‘hands’ with him… LOL

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