Global Effort Launched To “Repeal And Replace” United Nations

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: If the UN is ever repealed, removed or destroyed it will be due to Global Powers wanting it to occur. I believe we are looking for “ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations,” who I believe are the Ten Clay Kings of the future (Zechariah 8:23). This “Covenant of Democratic Nations” website looks like it was designed by a child, meaning it does not appear to be a very convincing or a credible movement. This movement is only getting media coverage by Israeli outlets due to its pro-zionist ideals. So we watch and remember Satan will sign a “covenant” with world leaders when he arrives on earth after the rule of the Ten Clay Kings (Daniel 9:27).

A global effort dubbed “Covenant of Democratic Nations” is working to abolish the United Nations, widely ridiculed as the “dictators club,” and replace it with an international forum open exclusively to free and democratic nations. Basically, it is a “repeal and replace” campaign to protect the world from the UN and its increasingly vicious attacks on freedom and self-government. A number of lawmakers around the world have expressed interest in the campaign as the movement travels from city to city hosting events to expose the UN and promote an alternative.

The figurative straw that broke the camel’s back for organizers appears to have been UN Security Council resolution 2334 declaring the presence of Jews in parts of Jerusalem to be a violation of supposed “international law.” The move sparked outrage across the political spectrum. Even stalwart neo-conservatives and globalists jumped on the bandwagon to defund the UN. On Capitol Hill, interest in protecting America and liberty from the UN has surged since that vote. The “Covenant of Democratic Nations” agenda also has strong support among certain Jewish and Zionist groups seeking to defend Israel against the constant UN demonization.

Of course, the Covenant of Democratic Nations is hardly the only effort to replace the scandal-plagued UN with something else. Billionaire Swedish-Hungarian investor Laszlo Szombatfalvy, for example, is offering $5 million in prizes to whoever can invent a new UN-style organization to allegedly solve global problems better than the current scheme.

Source: Global Effort Launched to “Repeal and Replace” United Nations

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