Gov Jerry Brown: Californians To Be Heavily Fined For Long Showers

Breitbart – by Pam Key

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA)  said Californians will face heavy fines for taking long showers.

Brown said, “This executive order is done under emergency power. It has the force of law. Very unusual. It’s requiring action and changes in behavior from the Oregon border all the way to the Mexican border. It affects lawns. It affects people’s — how long they stay in the shower. How businesses use water.”  

Brown said to enforce his order, “Each water district that actually delivers waters — water to homes and businesses, they carry it out. We have a state water board that overseas the relationships with the districts. Hundreds of them. If they don’t comply, people can be fined $500 a day. Districts can go to court to get a cease and desist order. The enforcement mechanism is powerful. In a drought of this magnitude, you have to change that behavior and you have to change it substantially.”

Guest host  host Martha Raddatz pointed out, “More water used for almond production than is used by all residents and businesses in San Francisco and Los Angeles combined.”

Brown countered by saying, “Farm workers who are — very low end of the economic scale here, are out of work. There are people in agriculture areas that are suffering. Who are providing food.” adding, “They’re not watering their lawn or taking long showers. They’re providing most of the fruits and vegetables of America. And a significant part of the world.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

16 thoughts on “Gov Jerry Brown: Californians To Be Heavily Fined For Long Showers

  1. “Brown said, “This executive order is done under emergency power. It has the force of law.”

    WHAT law???

    1. Big Finance, Big Agra, and pretty much all those in the White Shoe Club will be ruled exempt and will continue on as they do and have always done…all others suck the seed.

  2. Water pressure lika drunken midget pissin on ya is next on the list…….

    That’s EXTRA$….The chemical burns ya get from it’s FREE!

    Meanwhile back @ the farm: Fracking operations get all they need & more. Who needs veggies & grains when you can have a polluted aquifer instead?

  3. Gov Moon Beam, QUIT WASTING AIR! …

    It’s inconceivable how stupid the masses have become. The few of us left that can still think clearly better start effecting change. We have little time to turn this country around.


    God Bless This Republic

  4. F&%k big Agra, let us grow our own gardens.Back to basics goddamit! COMMUNITY GARDENS!

  5. (this is a saying is desert areas, like Arizona, when using the toilet)
    “If it’s yellow, let it mellow” (in other words, save water and don’t flush every time you pee) But……
    “If it’s brown, flush it down”.
    What’s this guys name again? Jerry……BROWN……….. flush this turd.

    1. Thanks for that William. I was born and raised here in CA and lived most of my life here. I can’t tell you how many times in my lifetime alone that we uttered that saying. We’ve been through at least three (man made?) droughts that I can remember since I was a kid.
      . . .

  6. “And we’ll need a surveillance camera in every shower to enforce this”.

    But of course, Nestle, Frackers, and every other campaign contributor can waste all the water they want to.


  7. Just last month I had to drive through the high end town of Palm Springs, CA. Guess what? The very popular golf course there had their watering mechanisms going full blast causing a beautifully verdantly green golf course!!
    I reckon for the well-heeled, the new “laws” don’t apply. Nor do they for municipalities either!

    1. Oh yes, and the wine growers here on the Central Coast will have their spigots turned on full blast while the rest of us flush our toilets once a day and shower once every two or three days . . . well, . . . maybe once a week at least.

      Ewww . . . The wind blows off the Pacific, so you folks on the East side of CA, put your gas masks on.
      . . .

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