Greek debt crisis: Banks to stay shut, capital controls imposed

BBC News

Greek banks are to remain closed and capital controls will be imposed, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says.

Speaking after the European Central Bank (ECB) said it was not increasing emergency funding to Greek banks, Mr Tsipras said Greek deposits were safe.

Greece is due to make a €1.6bn (£1.1bn) payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday – the same day that its current bailout expires.  

Greece risks default and moving closer to a possible exit from the eurozone.

Greeks have been queuing to withdraw money from cash machines over the weekend, and the Bank of Greece said it was making “huge efforts” to keep the machines stocked.

Greek banks are expected to stay shut until 7 July, two days after Greece’s planned referendum on the terms it had been offered by international creditors for receiving fresh bailout money.

The Athens stock exchange will also be closed on Monday.

2 thoughts on “Greek debt crisis: Banks to stay shut, capital controls imposed

  1. Too few people are picking up on the fact, that this news is bigger than Ukraine, ISIL, Palestinian unrest, or the Republican sell-out to Obama. When the banking cartel admits it cannot handle another financial crises, this will effect everyone. The power players may find a way to “kick the can down the road” for a few weeks , but massive lay-offs, civil unrest, then war in our streets, then martial law, are all on our horizon. This is big!

    1. You’re right, SWIFT.

      This is the most important news of the week, because the economic end is neigh. There was a revelation a week or two ago concerning a rift in the derivatives market that would shatter the illusion of an “economy” for good, and it’s coming to fruition now.

      (I pay absolutely no attention whatsoever to ISIL, Ukraine, or the Washington fag party people refer to as “our government”. They’re all irrelevant now)

      Just getting ready for kick-off time, and martial law might be what gets the game going, so I see that as a good thing.

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