Hackers Strike and Leak Bill Gates, WHO, and Wuhan Lab Emails

Fort Russ News

FRN has confirmed reports that hackers have successfully hacked accounts belonging to Bill Gates, the WHO, and a lab in Wuhan believed to be the location researching coronavirus that received funding from Dr. Fauci. 

The event appears to have taken place on or about April 20th.

Netizens have taken to activism and people are logging in via SSH and downloading the contents of these hacks. This means that many people will be combing through the hacked documents with a fine-toothed comb.

Hackers apparently looking for the truth behind the coronavirus outbreak have allegedly hacked the World Health Organization, the Wuhan biolab and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. A set of huge databases containing usernames and passwords has been leaked.

Read the rest here: https://www.fort-russ.com/2020/04/confirmed-hackers-strike-and-leak-bill-gates-who-and-wuhan-lab-emails/

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