Hillary Clinton Falls Yet Again, Fractures Wrist in Palace Bath Accident

Yahoo News

Hillary Clinton has injured her wrist on a book tour of India in another fall while on official duty.

The former US presidential candidate was staying at Umaid Bhawan Palace, the one-time residence of the former royal family of Jodhpur, when she slipped in the bath, DNA India reported.  

The former first lady was taken to the private Goyal Hospital at around 5am Wednesday.

“We did a CT scan and X-ray and found a hairline fracture around the wrist area. She was advised to take rest for few days and use a crepe bandage for support,” a doctor at the hospital told AFP, on condition of anonymity.

The medical advice meant she had to cancel her plans to visit the Mehrangarh Fort in the city. It is the second time she has been injured on her trip to India promoting her book What Happened?, having previously been filmed falling down the stairs at the Jahaz Mahal.

She has suffered a number of tumbles in recent years. In London last October, she had to wear a surgical boot during an interview on the BBC’s Graham Norton Show. She said she had broken her toe after falling over running down the stairs with a cup of coffee in her hand.

During her presidential campaign in 2016, video showed her collapsing as she exited a 9/11 memorial Manhattan, which led to speculation about her health. She put the incident down to pneumonia and dehydration.

In 2013, she suffered a mild concussion and had a blood clot near her brain after a fall at her home. She had to appear before Congress to testify about the militant attack on Benghazi in Libya wearing prism eyeglass lenses. She has put the incidents down to clumsiness.

She has been criticized on her tour promoting her book which outlines her presidential campaign for claiming she lost the 2016 election partly because women in the Republican Party vote like other men in their lives. Donald Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway said that this view is “insulting half of the country.”


7 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Falls Yet Again, Fractures Wrist in Palace Bath Accident

  1. what Official Duty?

    Official Fool of the Year?

    She is no longer an Official in this Country or any other

    who’s paying for all these cry baby trips to bash this country?

    what a drunken stooge

  2. “…..She has suffered a number of tumbles in recent years….”

    “There’s no reason a dying drunk can’t be a good president, so I’ll be running again in 2020, and we’ll have the voting machines rigged for victory this time!!!”

  3. Really getting tired reading about this stupid shit for brains bitch. She high as a kite all fkg day, let the creature slip down an elevator shaft already.

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