Hillary Clinton Warns Against Danger of Fake News at First Speech at Captiol Hill after Election

Published on Dec 8, 2016 by YouHotNews

In her first remarks at the U.S. Captiol since losing the presidential election, Hillary Clinton warns against what she calls the “epidemic” of fake news that has infiltrated the political discourse. She urges lawmakers to move on bipartisan leglislation to help the government to begin to deal with the problem, saying, “It’s a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.”

16 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Warns Against Danger of Fake News at First Speech at Captiol Hill after Election

  1. “It’s a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.”
    “Before the sheeple figure this sh#t out, and we’re all hung!” she concluded.

  2. Well, well, well. They certainly are kicking up their US feral govt/corp approved censorship speed. yahoo recently advised me this is not an approved link and I can proceed at my own risk.

    They believe we have all been very naughty with the First Article and it’s getting out of control(literally) for these commie-kike scumbags. Time for them to pull in the reins a bit.

    They’re a little late because the cat is out of the bag as to all the “W” questions regarding who is responsible and it only makes them look even guiltier by attempting to put their finger into the dike, but it’s already an open floodgate.

      1. HAHAHA LOL Funny you should say that, I had to check my spelling to make sure I had the right “dike/dyke”. killary’s favorite dyke finally had the weiner pulled out of her.

  3. Boy, she’s lookin’ a little rough around the edges. Like an old hag, a bitchy grandmother, sour puss for the rest of her miserable life, fading into obscurity. Seeya! Wouldn’t wanna be ya! A crash that tops “Thelma and Louise”, flaming down like the Zero’s at Midway.

    Yes, the Clinton era has come to an end, the book can be closed (and then burned). Slick Willie and Hitlery will dance off into the sunset living off those stuffed Swiss Bank accounts from the bribes and dirty dealings that trash from Arkansas dragged into the White House. Hopefully, they refurbished the “Oral” office, scrubbed the walls with bleach, and burned the carpet, jackhammered the tile, and uprooted the floorboards to remove any remnants of the Clintons.

    They should be strung up for high treason. Selling our guidance systems to the Chinese is treason, dammit!

    No one is held accountable anymore. The unaccountable, pass the buck, “it’s not my concern” attitude of our government is undeniable. Yet, we do nothing. I don’t get it. It makes no sense. “No fingerpointing, that would be unpolite.” Too much PC.

  4. How bout the Real news still faking JFK death bullet for 5 decades. Hillary is not going to go away and still has not been ” officially ” Defeated..deep State must maintain the helm . The fuse hits the bomb after 19th.. I believe the perverbial Fat Lady sings in January when Mr Rayan n friends offer up. A compromise…..my choice is former Defense Secretary em Gates..

  5. Yes you POS WITCH from HELL!! We know all about how you pushed Bill into bombing the crap out of Serbia and almost starting WW3. We know how the media lied about the Weavers, Branch Devidians to cover your efforts to get them murdered. We know about the controlled demolition of the Murrow building in OKC, as Weill as the WTC in 1993 bombing as well as their demolition in 2001. We know all these lies and cover-ups the large media complex has done in order to give you and Bill protection from prosecution for High Treason and the gallows.

    Yes. We know who the real perveyers of FAKE NEWS are.

  6. Funny that suddenly when the Majority of Americans refuse to believe their BS any longer, fake news becomes an issue…

    Breaking the First (Establishing a religion ie making people believe something based on authority instead of peer verifyable proof.) by making the Americans believe shit they make up to be able to say that the majority agrees with what they have put out and thus agrees with the reasonabilily of the Freedom/Bill of Rights limiting laws for the Americans of the present and those of the future. Now again breaking the first by attacking the 1st amendment for speech or the freedom to read whatever you want and believe whatever you want.

    Ahh don’t you just love all them eyes opening…

    Now for the 19th, I wonder just wonder how many more snipers will be on the roofs in DC.. I bet 10 to 1 about 100 times more then when that 2nd amendment march of that Adam the dude guy was going to be…

    What will happen on the 20th is much more interesting when the first have been bloodied for the illusions the Democrats/Elite/Masters made them believe in…

    Oh wait, I shouldn’t say this…

  7. 🙂

    ““Fake news” is the reporting done in 2008 that caused far too many voters to believe that Barack Obama was at all qualified by experience, intellect or temperament to be President of the United States and the reporting done in 2012 that caused voters to believe his first term warranted a second.”

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