Houston-area bars forced to close, dining-in no longer allowed at restaurants for next 15 days


HOUSTON — Houston bars and restaurants have been ordered to follow new restrictions for the next 15 days in an effort to curb coronavirus exposure, Harris County Judge Lina Hildago announced Monday.

Bars and nightclubs must close. Meanwhile, restaurants can only delivery, pickup and drive-thru services. No in-dining service is allowed. 

These new restrictions kick in March 17 at 8 a.m. and apply to all drinking and eating establishments within the Houston city limits, Harris County and unincorporated Harris County areas.

“I know this is very difficult. It’s a difficult time, and that’s why we’re taking extraordinary measures,” Hildago said. “History will say that we prioritized human life. History will say that we erred on the side of action. This doesn’t work unless we all buy in.”

Read the rest here: https://www.khou.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/houston-harris-county-restaurants-bars-ordered-to-close-for-15-days-starting-tuesday/285-2404949e-fdeb-4481-943c-4ffa52ae8864

One thought on “Houston-area bars forced to close, dining-in no longer allowed at restaurants for next 15 days

  1. 15 days, my ass! Watch them extended to 4 months.

    Everyone knows that world dictators don’t give up their power once it’s been put in effect. Just look at Lil Kim or the fictional character, Emperor Palpatine.

    Is it any wonder that both Russia and China now have presidents who are dictators for life and soon to have Trump and Bennie follow suit, all under the guise of a ghost virus.

    The UN world government now have their 4 major world czars in place!

    All JEWS!!!!

    Gee….what are the odds, right?

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