If A Polling Service Asked You If You Kept Guns How Would You Answer?

gun showThe Real Revo – by Jim22

I’d probably say no. Where are all those guns going that have been sold since the 2008 election?

“Major survey shows gun ownership declining”

WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of Americans who live in a household with at least one gun is lower than it’s ever been, according to a major American trend survey that finds the decline in gun ownership is paralleled by a reduction in the number of Americans who hunt.

According to the latest General Social Survey, 32 percent of Americans either own a firearm themselves or live with someone who does, which ties a record low set in 2010. That’s a significant decline since the late 1970s and early 1980s, when about half of Americans told researchers there was a gun in their household.”

From Yahoo Not News


7 thoughts on “If A Polling Service Asked You If You Kept Guns How Would You Answer?

  1. looks to me that people who own guns are getting smarter and refusing to answer that question truthfully

    because its no ones dam business , how many you own if any

    I can only hope that this failure to disclose is a step in the direction of ,, “No we will no longer register a dam thing ” F U get out of our face

  2. I know lots of people who have guns at home, who will answer no to any questions. Parents who tell their children when questioned by law enforcement, teachers, doctors, etc. say no. Parents who have even hidden their weapons from their children so they do not know guns are in the house. Many seemingly docile and quiet people who have bought many guns and ammunitions these last few years and have hidden them.

    It is a common theme now to tell no one, not family, not neighbors, no one that you have guns at home, and many have buried them, hidden them where they can never be found, unless needed.

    So, the survey is a farce, ignoring the real reason people, millions have armed themselves these last few years, for protection in the event of a coming economic collapse, martial law, and or a Marxist takeover of America, if not even a foreign invasion with the help of our own government.

  3. I was surprised when I did a “meet ‘n’ greet” for my first time Medicare doctor’s visit. That questions WAS NOT on any of the paperwork I had to fill out. What would I say if it was? Simply “N/A” because it’s none of their business and has nothing to do with my health.
    . . .

  4. “The number of Americans who live in a household with at least one gun is lower than it’s ever been…”

    That’s funny.

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