10 thoughts on “INSANE Bulldozer Rampage Police Chase (MUST SEE)

  1. People are just getting fed up.
    Several years ago, a fellow I used to work with, mildest guy, ever, lost his shit and on a weekend day, fired up his semi tractor and drove it through the glass warehouse. He also rammed an outside wall of the concrete tilt-up building, causing significant damage. He’d been demoted from truck driver to pallet builder with a serious pay cut and just had enough. He did nothing in his 30 years there to provoke the job demotion, it was just a corporate decision gone awry.

  2. Wow, not every day you get to witness revenge like that. Too bad he’s dead. I sure would have loved to share a cup of coffee and a few hours with this guy. Poor soul. I guess we can file his name under “Those Who Simply Have Had Enough.” A growing club, I’m sure.


  3. Gotta love this guy! I salute him for standing up against the bullies and their laws as used against everyday citizens to enslave us

    1. Damm, no wonder he went off on them. Those bastards destroyed him and his business…..I’m just sorry he killed himself. He should have taken out all of the zoning boar members houses as well

    1. What is time? I mean, cannot an experience from the past have an impact on the future? Anyhow, I think we didn’t hear much about it because it was not highly publicized. They didn’t need another folk hero, so the usual methods of underplay were in place. Either way, it’s surfacing again now and I think for a reason: what he did was/is symptomatic of the growing frustration so many are experiencing today from all the oppressive enforcement. I wish he could have chosen a way that didn’t end in his suicide, but… Well, could be something to learn here.


      1. It’s been a slow burn for the past 50-60 years

        That’s what I get out of this history lesson

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