Insane Clown Posse Plan D.C. March to Protest FBI

Rolling Stone – by Kory Grow

Washington, D.C.’s reflecting pool will run red with Faygo soda when Insane Clown Posse lead their “Juggalo” fans in a march on the capitol next year. The clown-faced, horror-rap duo’s Violent J made the announcement this past weekend at the 17th annual Gathering of the Juggalos. The march is part of the duo’s protesting of the FBI’s decision to list Juggalos as gang members.

“In 2017, the weekend of September 17th, we need you,” the rapper told an audience at what The Detroit News described as a “seminar discussion” at the Gathering of the Juggalos. “We’re gonna do a [expletive] march on Washington. They call the Juggalo World a movement, right? Well, let’s move!”  

The march, scheduled to take place September 16th, will start at the Lincoln Memorial, head down Constitution Avenue and end at the Washington Monument, where the duo and fans will, in Violent J’s words, “explain to the world who the [expletive] we really are.”

Despite his eagerness to demonstrate in the Capitol, Violent J expressed worries about the turnout. “We don’t know what’s going to happen,” he said. “We could totally embarrass ourselves, and there could be 25 people [who show up to protest].”

To entice fans, the duo will hold a free concert that weekend at Jiffy Lube Live in Bristow, Virginia. The group will also host a picnic for fans on the day after the march at an as-yet-undisclosed location.

In its 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment, the FBI described Juggalos as a “loosely organized hybrid gang.” Insane Clown Posse subsequently sued the federal police and the U.S. Justice Department in 2014 to make them remove the classification, but a federal judge dismissed the suit. The duo was granted a chance to appeal in September 2015.

4 thoughts on “Insane Clown Posse Plan D.C. March to Protest FBI

    1. No but they are teamed up with other artists like twisted, this article does not go in depth but what I found interesting is the POS FBI labeling their fans as a “loosely organized hybrid gang.”. ICP won the appeal and got the fans removed from the list. I give ICP credit for standing up to Disney and now the FBI. I do not expect many to enjoy their music, as it stands I never bought their music but I have seen them live 3 times (so much fun in concert). They are good for a laugh now and again and they are fiercely loyal to their fans.

      Ya’ll might get a chuckle from this.

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