Israel strikes Gaza targets after rocket fired at Ashkelon area

Haaretz – by Shirly Seidler

A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel landed in an open area near Ashkelon late Wednesday night. No injuries were reported.

Israeli planes struck Gaza “terror infrastructure” targets in response, the Israel Defense Forces later confirmed.  

Rocket sirens sounded in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, north of the Gaza Strip, and residents reported hearing an explosion. The IDF reported identifying a launch from the Strip into the area.

On Tuesday afternoon, rocket sirens sounded in nearby Sha’ar Ha’Negev Regional Council. The military, however, said that it was a false alarm.

Just over two weeks ago, a siren sounded in the Gaza border area in what the IDF also confirmed was a false alarm.

On the same day, sirens also went off in the Golan Heights near the border with Syria. The Israeli army said both sirens were false alarms that appeared to have been triggered by the fighting in Syria.

3 thoughts on “Israel strikes Gaza targets after rocket fired at Ashkelon area

  1. “Israeli planes struck Gaza “terror infrastructure” targets in response”

    Most likely some residential homes, a church and a day care center.

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