“It Can’t Happen Here!”

Published on Jul 31, 2013 by Larken Rose

This video is for all those who imagine that there is some sort of magic that renders the United States immune to the tyranny that has plagued every other major empire in history. DVDs of this video–in normal resolution and high definition–will be available soon.

3 thoughts on ““It Can’t Happen Here!”

  1. It already has happened here. It just hasn’t hit you yet (or you wouldn’t be reading this).

    We have dungeons where people are sent without trial. We have extrajudicial killings by cops. We have murders of people who speak out against the government. And we have a “government” that completely ignores the will of the population and works against them.

    We’re living under tyranny right now. All that remains of America is the illusion provided by propagandists.

    1. Indeed, it’s already happening here. We’re living in post-constitutional America. But there’s still room for things to get worse.

      The Fedcoats realize that people are much easier to control when they still believe they’re free, so they prefer to use large-scale violence only after first attempting and failing to control people via propaganda. They don’t want too many people to wake up too quickly.

      However, the Fedcoats are gradually becoming emboldened by their increasing technological advantages in weaponry and surveillance, as are the state and local pigs. Once they see their advantage as truly overwhelming, they may take off the gloves and cease pretending to care even the slightest bit about citizen rights.

      1. They care not, and i do believe you are right. The gloves are coming off, and woe be to us, whomever we be, what aren’t prepared.
        Love is the answer, but ain’t a body one listenin’.

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