The Daily Sheeple – by Lizzie Bennett, Underground Medic
Stop for a moment and think about what’s happening weatherwise around the world.
California is in the middle of a drought so severe that domestic supplies may be cut in a matter of weeks. California produces a massive amount of the food consumed in the United States.
Extreme cold in the United States has killed livestock in the hundreds of thousands.
Florida farmers are looking at massive losses from cold weather not just ruining citrus crops, but squash, cucumbers and herbs.
Wheat growth in Texas is stunted by continuing cold weather.
The fishing industry in Indonesia has taken a hit because of bad weather.
Peru, Venezuela, and Bolivia have experienced rainfall heavy enough to flood fields and rot crops where they stand. Volcanic eruptions in Ecuador are also creating problems due to cattle ingesting ash with their feed leading to a slow and painful death.
Parts of Australia have been in drought for years affecting cattle and agricultural production.
Rice production in China has been affected by record low temperatures.
Large parts of the UK are underwater, and much of that water is sea water which is poisoning the soil. So wet is the UK that groundwater is so high it is actually coming out of the ground and adding to the water from rivers and the sea. With the official assessment being that groundwater flooding will continue until MAY, and that’s if it doesn’t rain again between now and then. The River Thames is 65 feet higher than normal in some areas, flooding town after town as it heads to the sea.
Even the boreholes that keep an eye on groundwater levels can’t cope, this one blew its cap off yesterday.
Crops are going to be severely affected with some farmers saying they will not be able to plant at all this year due to salt pollution from sea water inundation.
It’s time to ramp up your food prepping. Weather around the world is causing problems with food production and there is no reason to think these problems are just going to go away.
Although I personally don’t buy into the global warming hype there is no doubt that last years weather was bad enough around the globe to affect food security. The issues I’ve listed above are a few amongst many and we are only six weeks into the new year.
As I typed that last paragraph news alerts have gone out warning of 100mph winds, another few inches of rain and a further 23 flood warning issued to join the 300 plus already in force in the UK
One geographical region having weather bad enough to damage food production usually results in higher prices because you have to import it from other countries. What happens though when those other countries don’t have food to sell you because they have barely enough to feed their own people?
It’s time we all woke up to what is happening. It’s highly likely that certain foodstuffs will be in short supply by the end of this year. What is available is going to be a good deal more expensive than it is now. Many will not be able to afford the prices asked for basic commodities.
Vitamin deficiencies, malnutrition and disease outbreaks always occur when any form of an economic shift takes place. There is no reason to think that our situation a few months down the line will be any different. Food shortages and high prices are often a tipping point for wider unrest.
It has begun. Urge those you know are unprepared to wise up and stock up, time may be very much shorter than they think.
Take Care
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Contributed by Lizzie Bennett of Underground Medic.
Lizzie Bennett retired from her job as a senior operating department practitioner in the UK earlier this year. Her field was trauma and accident and emergency and she has served on major catastrophe teams around the UK. Lizzie publishes Underground Medic on the topic of preparedness.
This is why I am such an advocate on Food and water storage. Even is it is chunky soup, I remember hearing someone a long time ago saying, there will be food, but it will be so expensive that nobody will be able to afford it. Then couple all of this with the poison they deluge on us daily. Also their GMO’s that are changing our DNA, and our insides are being turned to mush. I just wish people would listen and watch to what is going on around them and prepare accordingly!!
Thank you for this thorough report on weather conditions in Europe. And ecouraging preparedness. I watch youtube channel Suspicious 0bservers and have seen that week after week the massive strom cells punishing Europe as far South as Italy. .. take care.
“California is in the middle of a drought so severe that domestic supplies may be cut in a matter of weeks. California produces a massive amount of the food consumed in the United States.”
HAARP is to thank for this. If we EVER get ahold of one of those facilities, we can use it to earthquake every single one of their known DUMBs on the planet.
BURY the bast@rds!!!
I definitely like your idea, #1. I second that motion. Sounds like fun. Count me in! Can I press the button?
No NC, me, please I want to be first!!! LOL!! 🙂
I am with you on that #1!!
Being there are likely well over a thousand of these things (could be almost that many in this country alone), I think everyone will get a turn.
I want the one in Dulce, NM. I know for sure there are demons posing as aliens there, thanks to Phil Schneider’s underground lectures (before they murdered him). 🙂
#1 thanks for the name of that guy Phil Schneider, do they have a website or you tube videos, that stuff is right up my alley!!!! I have never heard of him and I go down some pretty deep rabbit holes. I am going to research him, sounds very interesting!!!!
Some of the best information we have on DUMBs came from Phil. He worked on a number of them, but the one in Dulce is where they got into a firefight with the (so-called) aliens. Got their butts kicked, too. Only he and two others survived, and those two are in a mental institution up in Canada, so they’re not talking to anyone about it.
Wait, I did see a video with him in it!! My brain is waking up!! I remember they fought the “aliens” really demons in some sick nasty body!! Thanks again #1, Like I said this is my kinda stuff!
It’s what I do best. I’ve researched some pretty deep rabbit holes in the last 5+ yrs. (be 6 in a couple of months), I seem to have a knack for finding out this kind of stuff.
I HATE being deceived, especially when my life and my future are concerned, as well as my family’s and friends lives, that’s probably why.
same here # 1, like NC had said earlier, I like to think outside of the box (matrix). Everything I read or listen to I take with a grain of salt, but the Bible states if you have 2 or 3 witnesses your good. So when I get more than one person saying something, I really research it more! Have you ever read any books by Tom Horn? He is good.
No, can’t say that I have. But as I said before, most of my information came from dvds. Some of the dvds I have are also in book form, but I prefer the dvds, because they don’t take as long to watch as reading a book takes.
Plus, I can show them to others in a more condensed format.
well where do you get these DVD’s? Share man!!!! I Love knowledge and I can’t get enough!!!! Tom Horn is big into the beast tech stuff, transhumanism, fake alien invasion, etc. Also about how the Vatican is all linked into it, his website is, it is got some interesting rabbit hole things on there.
Tools for Freedom. com. Best site I’ve ever come across for this kind of information.
Thank You #1!!! 🙂
My pleasure, Missy. 🙂
Yeah, you can find an hour long video on Phil Schneider on Youtube about his lectures on the underground bases. Just take a look at his disfigured fingers that were supposedly blown off by the alien’s weapon. Too bad the elite killed him after he revealed things. He also talks about a 7 ft alien with an IQ far beyond any human and can speak 1000 different languages fluently. Forget what its name was. Anyways, supposedly the alien hasn’t aged a day since the 30’s.
Thanks NC, like I was telling #1, I Love this kind of stuff. God has installed in me these deep rabbit holes and I can get lost for hours in them. I am glad to see I now have people to share it with!!! 🙂
I get the one under Denver Airport!
Forgot about that one!