It’s a Communist Conspiracy Folks – That’s the Only Explanation

Freedom Outpost – by David Risselada

For those of you who are regular readers of my articles, you know I like to get a little conspiratorial at times. In fact, one of my biggest, most common themes is comparing America’s state under the current Commissar to the 45 declared goals of the Communist Party. Given the fact that these goals were entered into the congressional record in 1965, it is safe to say that the communist influence in the USA has transpired a bit beyond the conspiratorial and is based more in reality than what many would like to admit.  

The truth is, I am really not a big history buff. I just know what I was taught in college while attending a social work degree program; and as I have written on several other occasions, it was nothing but an indoctrination into the collective. Literally, I had professors admitting to be communitarians (communists) while teaching the class that it was possible to create a Utopia. These people truly view themselves as an elite whose responsibility is to institute social justice. It was this experience that inspired me to actually investigate what I was learning. I mean really, when you are hearing more about Karl Marx while simultaneously listening to professors, who have pictures of Obama in their office, slam conservatives, you tend to think something is out of place. Unless of course you’re under the age of 40, then you are likely to be one of them.

Anyhow, the 45 declared goals of the Communist Party. I have written a great deal about this subject while attempting to connect these goals to actual events occurring in the country. I’m sure that some readers have brushed me off as a conspiracy theorist, or a tin foil hat kind of guy. However, I can’t help but think I can make sense out of the Crimea/Ukraine crisis by reverting back to these 45 goals. Ironically, it has to do with a subject I’ve mentioned many times before, the discrediting of American culture. Let me cite the specific communist goal I am referencing here.

Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the grounds that it was only a minor part of the big picture. Give more emphasis to Russian history since the communists took over.

Maybe some readers will have a hard time making the connection here. After all, the specific wording of this goal has to do with history and culture; and the Ukraine crisis is happening now. Allow me to offer my analysis.  Since the beginning of this crisis President Obama has continuously been humiliated and portrayed as a small and weak American president, while Putin has been portrayed as the symbolic Russian bear, strong and fearless. If you frequent twitter very often you are likely to see several cartoons revolving around this theme. America was once known across the world for being a nation of rugged individualism, now our children are suspended from school for biting pastries into gun shapes. Masculinity has been eradicated from a feminist dominated culture and now we have men wearing tight jeans, pink high tops and hair spray. America has lost its international muscle and now it appears the communists, make no mistake, Putin is a communist, are stepping in to fill that vacuum. This article shows a man kissing the Soviet flag as Crimea voted to separate from Ukraine and join Russia. According to the New York Times, Putin’s popularity has risen 71% in the past couple of years. It seems as if Putin may be wearing an “S” under his shirt. Let’s not forget the millions of “Occupy Wall street” types that hate America and believe socialism would fix everything.

This isn’t the only communist goal that could be used to make an analysis on the current situation.

Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten demand that it be set up as a one world government with its own independent armed forces.

Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind? I’ve mentioned before that I was in a class in which a video was presented actually depicting the U.N. as the only viable means of saving us from “global warming.” We all know they have their hands all over that. Is it possible that the world’s powers are deliberately trying to start a confrontation that will threaten World War III only to see the U.N. come in and be the world’s savior? I know, I know, it sounds awfully conspiratorial, but I think if you are using the very words of the communists themselves, it makes perfect sense. After all, it’s not like commies and socialists are honest about what they are doing. Or are they? It seems that these goals have summed it up very nicely for those that would pay attention.


3 thoughts on “It’s a Communist Conspiracy Folks – That’s the Only Explanation

  1. What is important to see is that communism is SECRET SOCIETY DOCTRINE

    Mr Obama, seems to be a CIA invention, and that seems contrary to him being a communist and using the communist doctrine he obviously is, to destroy the U.S. This is puzzling until the missing link is added, which I learned from the late William Coopers mystery Babylon series.
    The CIA was founded by Truman and others who were all members of the brotherhood (all the secret societies are the same organization at their core). The entire global intelligence network (CIA, Mossad,MI6 and others), at its core, was formed to further the global agenda in secrecy with virtually unlimited funds.
    The great plan of the brotherhood is the destruction of church, state, and shackling of the mob. The church is to be replaced by worship of the leader/government, and all states are to be replaced by one state, which the masses support in poverty and subjugation. This is SOCIALIST DOCTRINE. Carl Marx didn’t come up with Marxism/socialism/communism, he just put it down on paper and distributed it. It is sold as beneficial to the people, but it is, of course, only beneficial to the few at the top of the pyramid, who reap the rewards and live like gods. This is why the link between the secret societies and communism is so important; it explains why some people of wealth today are obviously trying very hard to establish socialism; they benefit more.

    In 1815, the Rothschilds attempted to form a world government, but the Czar of Russia wouldn’t go for it. In their anger, they swore revenge on the Czar and his family. Just over 100 years later, western influences sent over their minions to organize and incite the Russian revolution, and murdered the current Czar and his family, establishing a reign of terror and mass murder never seen. It was then western interests that funded Hitlers National Socialists, and later Maos’ communist China.
    Now we have the only remaining super power, the U.S.A, being purposely destroyed, as it stands in the way of a global socialist one world government. The same group that killed Kennedy, was caught in the Iran contra scandal but got away with it for all intents and purposes. They later did 9/11 to cover up their massive financial crimes by targeting all the law enforcement units digging into fraud, and allowed the resumption of opium growing in Afghanistan. Saudi money from the al ye mama slush fund (spelled phonetically) along with patsies, Israeli saboteurs, Pakistani money and U.S assistance with drills on the same day and “incompetence” that allowed it to happen, killed nearly 3000 people so their agenda could continue. This is the same cabal that just nearly started ww3 with their lies in Syria to stop the Russian natural gas pipeline; now they are at in in the Ukraine.

  2. “Given the fact that these goals were entered into the congressional record in 1965, it is safe to say that the communist influence in the USA has transpired a bit beyond the conspiratorial and is based more in reality than what many would like to admit.”

    Hmm…1965. I guess 2015 would make it exactly 50 years later from when it was introduced. A nice round figure. Could be their deadline to get it accomplished and accepted by the people. If that’s true, I say to them, “good luck with that because it ain’t gonna ever happen. Not while I’m alive”.

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