11 thoughts on “Journalist Breaks Down Anti-Lockdown Arguments | NowThis

  1. https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2007/December/07_crm_967.html

    This guy is a prime example of just how far tptb will go to crush the Bill of Rights.

    His name is justin king. He was arrested, convicted and served only 2 1/2 yrs for 1,558 false immigration claims and smuggling over 200 Bulgarian and Romanian “workers” for hotel “work”. His accomplices appear to hail from a certain group of deviants and I think you can guess who I am alluding to.

    He was facing decades and millions in fines but got cut loose quite a bit early for soooome reason. Obviously, this is it.

  2. This man is absolutely correct. With that absolute superior ratified law called our Bill of Rights comes an awesome responsibility. Responsibility to enforce that f-king law to put the freedom and liberty it creates above our every life. It is not only our right, it is our duty to take up our responsibility, shoot the criminals out of this country, and take little international communist corporate mafia Justin King, try him in a court of the common law. Straight up point on point law, he is prima facie guilty.
    I don’t care if you like that f-king law or not, buddy, IT IS THE LAW! And you can tell your communist handlers, our people will not be trained like dogs. We will enforce our law and you will be brought to justice via that law and our responsibility will be fulfilled.

  3. I Watched this guys vid… What a loser, scumbag, maggot traitor.

    So weak and slavish….”your not the “firefight” kind of guy buddy” you are a boot licking pussy for your kike masters, go to them, be with them and hang with them, we are too busy taking names and numbers of fks like you and them.

  4. So, he made it all the way to Yahoo. Thanks, Martist! Well, in all my years of looking at vids about the state of the world, none has pissed me off more than this one. If this guy ain’t CIA I don’t know who is. I can just see them grooming his beard, providing the perfect hat, all to make him look just right for the part. Lights, camera, action!! He plays smart and tough while he preaches compliance. He manipulates by attempting to play on the viewers’ emotions: If you really care, you’ll stay home.

    Bast**d tosses out the accusation that defenders of freedom shun responsibility. This is a direct attack on we who love and uphold The Bill of Rights. Non-infringement IS responsibility, as it is a way of taking care of each other, each other’s right to make their life their own. And I’ll go further to say, free and healthy human beings care, and help, and make the world worth living in. Poor, pathetic, little communist boy, confuses obedience with responsibility. We can expect to see more attacks like his since the awakening is getting so very wonderfully out of hand. This weekend Americans came out in droves to enjoy the extended weekend, and they came out mask-less.


    1. Funny, he really pissed me off, too! Don’t get me wrong, they ALL do, but THIS guy taking something intended for freedom and bastardizing it to fit the commie agenda could only have come from a joo think tank and his record proves it. These mf’s wipe their arses with even the idea of US being free to add insult to injury along with all their crimes against US and humanity! What a dick.

      1. Yeah, probably trained in Tel Aviv.

        You know how they give names to different ages in history, like The Dark Ages, The Renaissance, The Enlightenment? This age may soon become know as The Age of Wisdom. I can’t believe the awareness I’m seeing. The people are SMART!!!!!!!!!!


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