Let The Games Begin

Christian Mercenary – by T. L. Davis

Anyone who has ever loved something and had to let it go understands the situation in America today. I don’t care if it was a beloved Teddy Bear patched over and over again, the material so thin that it can no longer support new stitches or a great car that embodied and seemed to recall all of the great times contained within its metal shell, there comes a time to let go of the past and look to the future.

So, let us look at our history in America for a moment. It began as a capitalist experiment (and I have been chided for that term for its derivation from Marx as derogatory, but set that aside as we have never known a free market and likely never will, and no, I will not engage the debate here). It was a trading outpost for Britain, France and Spain, each exploiting different parts of the new continent.   

There was liberty. The respective crowns were distant and those who braved the seas to arrive and occupy the land did so at their peril. It made of us a risk-taking lot; it made of us self-reliant; it made of us actors rather than reactors. Centuries passed, frontiers dissolved and we arrived at modern America: a tangled web of misinformation, disinformation and largely disconnected from our history. We are fed fairy tales from the television, always spouting a liberal, leftist, Marxist, totalitarian meme.

We are lost. Those of us who understand our rights, who understand the Constitution and the way it was weaved through an understanding of God as the supreme power, are few. The rest believe what they hear on the news, or newspapers, or general gossip.

Our success as a nation was directly attributable to those qualities: risk-taking, self-reliance and action, but, beyond a certain point, it enabled us to disconnect from the very same values. Those qualities allowed us the supremacy of power. We assumed it would always be so and we would always be safe. It allowed us to take our eye off the ball and become more engrossed in our own trivial lives, ignoring the great evil prowling the darkness of apathy.

Those of us awake see the future for what it is: a disaster to our way of life, our supremacy and our security. Those who work against those American traits promise security without risk, wealth without labor, survival without work. They couch our recipe for success in racist terms, on the backs of others, to the detriment of the poor; without seeing that it was poverty and oppression that put the fire in the bellies of the settlers, who found it so horrific in their homeland that a dangerous, cold, distant continent appealed to them rather than to remain under those conditions.

We ventured out, with the grace of God and determination to settle a new land, to enter into liberty from those distant lands of oppression and nobility.

Centuries of new immigrants, drawn by the success, power and promise of America arrived without having to develop, risk or work. They entered a promised land already set up, provided with goods, like walking into a Wal-Mart. Those who brought their labor and ingenuity to the table were fed amply of the rewards, those who did not; who came to game the system, steal the fruit of other’s labor have also found fertile fields, but for all the wrong reasons. They have learned the wrong lessons of America and so do not hold in reverence those ideals that made it strong.

We are all immigrants, but the nature of immigration has changed; the purpose of immigration has changed. It doesn’t matter where a particular immigrant comes from, because there is no inherent value to any race. We are all humans with all the same failings and blessings. What has changed about immigration is not whoimmigrates, but why.

Without the supporting values of what made America great, it cannot succeed in the future. It needs humans of all sorts, but with particular ideas of what America is and why it is such. Without that there is no continuity to society, there is no common understanding of values and there is no possibility of survival. It was the ruin of Rome and it will be our ruin as well.

To avert that ruin drastic measures must be taken and the election of 2014 is the time. No, I am not suggesting we “vote our way out” of this, that is an impossibility. 2014 is a time for the first salvo in our rebellion against the revolution that has taken place under the very eyes and ears of our people. It is the first step in the counter-revolution.

The first thing that has to go is the Republican Party. The Republicans have no loyalty to the Constitution, or they would not have allowed Obama to go so far down the dictatorial road he has traveled since his inauguration. They would not tolerate a president threatening them with a pen, or a phone. Somewhere they had to stand up for the Constitution and use its powers to rid this nation of such a tyrant, but they would not take the risk to their political lives and to that end have proved that they do not have the values on which this nation was founded and do not deserve to sit in the halls of power.

Then, let the games begin.


11 thoughts on “Let The Games Begin

  1. While I realize voting is basically useless, I would STILL write in Ron Paul.

    Perhaps if there is simply an overwhelming demand, results could not be rigged, and Dr. Paul would most likely feel it his Duty to stand up and try to begin sorting this mess out.

    1. “Dr. Paul” was nothing but a diversion who left those who backed him to the wolves and, on command from his handlers, withdrew from the fight taking a million dollars of his contributors’ money for him and his son in law to split up. Some people just can’t let go of their delusions and this is harmful to the cause.

      1. soo true sir and so sad. betrayal is not comfortable for anyone to admit. especially for the ones who were betrayed.

        1. Yep. Had this conversation with my best friend last night. He doesn’t believe voting actually happens fortunately, but is still stuck on Ron being the second coming of Christ. It is very damaging indeed. Putting trust in anyone who is currently part of the machine is like trusting your 2nd Amendment cop “buddy” who never busts or steps outside of his blue gangs’ code of silence and enforces the laws that are most important;the ones that actually protect us from them.

    2. Ned Beatty said it best in “Shooter” (GREAT movie):

      Nick Memphis: “And what side are you on?”

      Senator Charles F. Meachum: “There are no sides. There’s no Sunnis and Shiites. There’s no Democrats and Republicans. There’s only HAVES and HAVE-NOTS.”

      Ron Paul is a HAVE.

  2. In all my years, I have seen us go from one side to the other hoping for change in a good way. Each election we see we get another character that was often worse than the last. Isn’t insanity doing the same thing over and over; expecting a different result? If we know this why do we play. The best way to win is not to play the game.

    I am not a negative person but when Ron Paul came into the picture in 2008 I saw another Ross Perot in as much as a big hoopla with a big let down. Yes, I am fully aware of all that happened both times but as long as we play the game we loose. Does anyone understand this.

    Our vote only validates their pick. Who do I mean by their? Who ever decides these things. Call it the Controllers, Banksters, Elite whatever. Nothing changes for us only for the CROOKS. We know this yet we continue to participate.

    We will never get whom we should have through the ballot box. I think we know this. We will never get the change we seek through it either. The few we have in Congress are too few to make any difference. As long as the money flows to them we loose. The corporations put in the president through their huge donations your vote has little to do with it.

    We have to stop this foolishness and very soon.

  3. The author needs an anti-depressant prescription. He’s talking about America as if it were already gone, but that’s far from the case.

    People will deny the inevitable bad news for as long as they can, and try to remain as comfortable as possible for as long as they can, but when they no longer have that option, they’re going to stand up and make things right. As a general rule, most people don’t fight until they have to.

    A mass awakening will occur, and when it does, it will be caused by pain, and this pain will result in a hundred million armed Americans waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

    The Wet-backs and Chinks that don’t flee fast enough will be used for target practice, and tyrants’ heads will be kicked around in the streets. Shortly afterward, we’ll re-build our great nation, and in short time restore it to it’s former greatness, much wiser for our experience.

    “When neither their property nor their honor is touched, most men will live contentedly” — Nicolo Machiavelli

    Their property and honor is now being touched, they’re fuming mad, and a few days of watching their babies go without food is going to have angry mobs setting things straight all over the country.

    If you want to join the fight, get in early, or there may not be room for you. This revolution is gong to take about three days, and it will be followed by the biggest “fourth of July” party you’ve ever seen.

  4. When we take this country back. Its automatic death penalty for going against the constitution. No ifs ands or buts. Public servants will get the message.

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