Liberman: We Need to Stop ‘Whining’ About Iran and Take Action

Image result for Foreign Minister Avigdor LiebermanNunez Report

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman on Friday hinted that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is talking too much about Iran’s nuclear program instead of taking action.

Speaking to Channel 2 News, Liberman suggested that Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to Congress, in which he will warn against a bad nuclear deal with Iran, does not have significant importance and that too many speeches harm Israel’s deterrence.  

“When Menachem Begin decided to destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor, There were no speeches or public debate. We woke up one morning – and there was no reactor. The same is true for what we read in the media about Syria. One morning we woke up and the nuclear reactor was not there. Without speeches and without stories,” he said.

Liberman expressed his doubts about an agreement between the West and Iran being able to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, and said that it is Israel’s responsibility to ensure Iran doesn’t become a nuclearpower.

“We need to make decisions and we cannot pin it on anyone, with all my appreciation for the United States,” he said, adding, “We have to act firmly instead of whining constantly. No agreement will prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. We need to decide alone and to act accordingly.”

Liberman, as he has done several times in the past, also criticized the results of Operation Protective Edge in Gaza last summer, saying in the interview, “We cannot even eliminate Hamas, how will we deal with the Iranian program?”

Credit to Arutz Sheba

One thought on “Liberman: We Need to Stop ‘Whining’ About Iran and Take Action

  1. “One morning we woke up and the nuclear reactor was not there. Without speeches and without stories,” he said.”

    We’re hoping to wake up one morning and you’re not there.

    Glass ashtray.

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