9 thoughts on “Man Lifts 20 Ton Block By Hand

  1. Seen this before. It doesn’t explain how the huge monoliths, found all over the world , were cut with precision that we can’t duplicate today. Not to mention , in some of the areas where mega structures were built, wood wasn’t readily available in the quantities necessary to use this method.

  2. it is a misconception that all civilizations that came b4 us were backwards and primitive.. copper traces for circuits and steel machinery would effectively oxidize away in the thousands of years that have passed. we have seen buildings and cars and other items collapse and revert to their basic sates in less than 50 years. if this civilization was to vanish today in 5,000 years what would be left to suggest we were advanced? there would be a few glass and other small object left but nothing that would suggest we were anything other than cave dwellers..

    they have already found vast cities in the jungle that make New York look small as well as toys and drawings that they cannot make heads or tails of. these end up as “out of place artifacts” and as they have no explanation they are not talked about.. we are lead to believe that human kind is only a few hundred thousand years old when in reality there have been people for millions of years.. this is something that will never be admitted too as it goes against what they want everyone to think, that we are the most advanced that there ever was when in reality we are not even in the top 10. but as with all the other ancient civilizations we will eventually be wiped out also by our own stupidity and inability to get along with each other.. and there is a reason these elite trace their linage and blood lines back to b4 ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia, these are the same blood lines that have been pulling the strings for that long.. we are intentionally being killed and kept down, the reason is elusive though. it is as if we are being artificially kept primitive. they have already limited our life spans from hundreds of years (500-900 in pre flood times) t a measly 70-80 years if we are lucky. i believe this was done to keep us on this planet after our little rebellion against the old ones which is where the ancient legends of the wars in the heavens came from..

    1. I would have to disagree on human being around more than a few hundred thousand years. Hominids, yes but our genome suddenly appears suggesting we were engineered. Hominids do not appear to be our ancestors. Humans uniquely have tens of thousands of flaws in our DNA. Natural animals don’t exhibit the same number of flaws, not even close. The structural differences in just our skull and what science recognizes as out closest ancestor would require many, many missing links in between if we use Darwin’s explanation. Darwinism may apply to animals, but something different seems to have happened to humans.

  3. “Give me a big enough lever, and I’ll move the world”

    I have a friend who insists that UFO’s landed here to built the pyramids and other structures of that nature, because someone sold him a book which made the case that it couldn’t have been done by humans.

    Nonsense. I can accurately cut stone with primitive tools, and move almost anything with leverage, as the man in the video has demonstrated.

    All you need to cut stone are wedges, and a harder stone. A knowledge of geometry will allow you to cut (and grind) it to accurate dimensions.

    1. (Laughing)
      I have a friend who gets above and beyond the call as well.
      I simply ask ” what does the U stand for?”

    2. I don’t think you can cut granite megaliths from the ground in spaces that are too small for the him frame to fit in. But, I could be wrong. Not saying it was aliens, but we had technology at one time that we no longer posses…and it wasn’t copper chisels and dolomite stones being smacked against granite.

      1. Samuel,
        I’ve considered the question and my conclusion is hydraulics. The weight of a million gallons of water brought down to an eighth of an inch cutting tip, I believe could do the cutting. Just my opinion.

        1. Good possibility. Another theory being looked at by many is acoustic resonance. We are already using it to levitate small objects. Quartz granite is highly resonant. This would also explain the walls of Jericho. It would also explain the monks in Nepal, I think it was, levitating stones in place on high ledges with their voices and instruments. There is a lot of ancient mythology mentioning what sounds like acoustic resonance.

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