Man Suspected of Killing 2 California Officers in Custody

ABC News

Police have apprehended the man suspected of fatally shooting two officers and wounding another in Palm Springs, California, authorities announced Sunday.

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department identified him as John Felix. He will be charged with two counts of murder on a peace officer.

Officials say Felix surrendered after a lengthy standoff. He was injured and treated at a hospital.  

Two officers trying to resolve a family dispute were killed Saturday when a man they had been speaking with suddenly pulled out a gun and opened fire, Palm Springs police Chief Bryan Reyes said. A third officer was wounded and remained hospitalized.

The chief identified the slain officers as Jose “Gil” Gilbert Vega and Lesley Zerebny.

Zerebny, 27, had been with the department for about 18 months and only recently returned from maternity leave after giving birth to a daughter four months ago. Vega, the father of eight, was a 35-year veteran who planned to retire in December. He had been working overtime on his day off Saturday. The wounded officer’s name was not released.

Riverside County SWAT officers quickly sealed off the normally quiet residential neighborhood in this desert resort town as police evacuated some residents. They told others to stay inside their homes, keep their doors locked and not to open them for anyone until further notice.

Reyes didn’t identify the shooting suspect by name but indicated police had had previous dealings with him. He declined to elaborate, adding that Riverside County sheriff’s deputies were now in charge of the investigation.

As the lockdown continued, scores of police officers gathered at Palm Springs Desert Regional Medical Center to offer a somber salute as the bodies of Zerebny and Vega were loaded into white hearses for transport to a coroner’s office.

Meanwhile, in front of police headquarters, scores of local residents gathered to leave flowers, balloons and cards Saturday night.

“I don’t even remember anything so vicious and cruel,” said Palm Springs resident Heidi Thompson. “These officers are responding to a domestic call for somebody in need that they don’t even know. They put their life on the line for us, the community. And they get gunned down? I don’t understand it.”

The shooting occurred just three days after a popular Los Angeles County sheriff’s sergeant was shot and killed in the high desert town of Lancaster.

Sgt. Steve Owen was answering a burglary call when sheriff’s officials say he was shot by a man who then stood over him and shot him four more times.

A paroled robber has been charged with murder.

Hundreds of residents held a candlelight vigil Saturday night in his honor.


John Rogers reported from Los Angeles. Associated Press Writer Olga R. Rodriguez in San Francisco and Adam Kealoha Causey in Phoenix also contributed to this story.

8 thoughts on “Man Suspected of Killing 2 California Officers in Custody

  1. I read about this yesterday, and it made my weekend.

    *** Meanwhile, in front of police headquarters, scores of local residents gathered to leave flowers, balloons and cards Saturday night. ***

    Balloons are certainly appropriate.

    *** “I don’t even remember anything so vicious and cruel,” said Palm Springs resident Heidi Thompson. ***

    How about the way Kelly Thomas was beaten to death, for starters? Or any of the other murders by police that almost always go unpunished?

    How about all the people torn away from their families and locked away for victimless “crimes,” or on trumped-up charges?

    *** “These officers are responding to a domestic call for somebody in need that they don’t even know. They put their life on the line for us, the community. And they get gunned down? I don’t understand it.” ***

    Regurgitated propaganda from a brainwashed moron.

    1. Thanks, BMF. My sentiments EXACTLY, especially about Mr. Kelly Thomas. They remember NOTHING so vicious and cruel?!

      WTFU or at least be useful as a human shield. Be good for something, you pitiful copsuckers.

  2. Jackboot murders = 101 million reasons it was justified despite being a newborn baby in a crib.

    Random X kills Jackboot = 101 million reasons they just “do not understand how this could happen” and “oh woe what a tragedy.”

    Anyone else see the common theme to EVERY stinking one of these articles?

  3. “Two officers trying to resolve a family dispute were killed Saturday when a man they had been speaking with suddenly pulled out a gun and opened fire,…”

    Now THAT’S how you ‘git ‘er done!’

    “He will be charged with two counts of murder on a peace officer.”

    PEACE officer, my @ss! He should receive an award for outstanding community service. He accomplished more than most… 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

    “Hundreds of residents held a candlelight vigil Saturday night in his honor.”

    Stupid people unite!!!

    Every one of those brain-dead morons will end up in a FEMA camp or a ditch someday soon.


    1. Winning a 3-on-1 gunfight at close range shows tremendous skill and courage, especially since he had to start with a concealed weapon against three pigs who were carrying their weapons openly. Plus, the pigs were most likely wearing body armor. They had every advantage, yet he STILL smoked their asses.

      It just goes to show that for the most part, the police are weak. Their only strength is in their numbers and organization, combined with the mindless support of many “civilians.” This is encouraging, but it doesn’t mean we can afford to be complacent. We all need to train HARD to protect ourselves, and we need to be creative and unpredictable in our preparations.

      Each of us should have at least two identical handguns: one gun to carry after it’s been proven to function perfectly for a few hundred rounds, and one gun to practice with for many thousands of rounds, getting service as needed. I recommend H&K, especially the P30 or the HK45. Some of FN’s offerings might be worth a look as well. Glock quality has been inconsistent since around 2011-2012; I avoid them now.

    2. Please note they only use the word “peace officer” when they are on the loosing end, otherwise it is always: LAW ENFORCEMENT! Or just “cop.” Verbiage means everything.

      1. True, Vekar. But I don’t think even the pig apologists really believe the police are “peaceful.”

        When dealing with copsuckers, a good question to ask is: “How do you feel about politicians and bureaucrats?” Most people will respond that they hate them. The natural follow-up question, then, becomes: “If you hate those people, then WHY would you support those who accept payment in exchange for FORCING YOU TO OBEY the people you hate?”

        “Law enforcement” means nothing more than “forcing obedience to politicians.” It’s the height of stupidity for people to (rightfully) detest politicians, lobbyists, and bureaucrats, then turn around and suck off their enforcer thugs.

        1. Well of course they don’t, after all they are “only doing their job” and if that means burning a baby alive in the crib so be it. Your last paragraph is very true but I no longer argue with anyone about my beliefs, point being I got sick of bashing my head against a brick wall whenever I did. If one were to repeat what you said against the public the effect would be moronic drooling stares.

          The only thing that will fix this mess is a hundred million more incidents like this till they are all dead from top to bottom be it bureaucrat, enforcer, soldier or the idiots who obey. That being said I do applaud this shooting for whatever reason it was done it removed two jackboots.

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