6 thoughts on “March on Monsanto Las Vegas

  1. Where the hell are they? Near the airport? (I can’t get the video — only the opening scene) Looks like the strip hotels are about a mile away in the background. (or is that a chimney?)

    I can’t think of a better place to hide a protest in Vegas, unless there’s a ghost town I’m unaware of.

    I would guess that the organizers got a permit, and that’s as far as they’ll allow free speech from people exercising their right to peaceably assemble. Do you really think you still have any rights?

    This makes protesting about as futile as voting. (We have no way of petitioning our government for a redress of grievances).

    1. I completely agree Mr. ROGER. Yet they can have the gay rights activists March on the strip. Go figure……. Everyone needs to get the word out and call call call, Senators and Legislatours, our Governor and Congress. They need to label our foods if they continue to put poison in what we eat. Good job being out there Wade! Just sad it wasn’t down town. Don’t those people care what they eat????

  2. Jolly Roger you are correct. The march was at the south end of the strip.Only tourist staying at the Mandalay Bay Hotel knew there was a march.and yes it was right in the flight path of Mccarran Airport.The way to gauge if a permit was issued are by the number of Police on overtime.

    1. Would have been nice of they marched right down the strip, but I guess they wouldn’t allow that.

      1. Not! on a Saturday, Holiday weekend Jolly Roger.Plebs are to be worked not seen. And you’re welcome Kelly.

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