Mask Wearers are Collaborators Who Could Destroy Us All

Jul 16, 2020
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why mask wearing rules are illogical, unscientific and dangerous, and why those who insist on wearing masks are ignorant and are threatening our lives and our future.

9 thoughts on “Mask Wearers are Collaborators Who Could Destroy Us All

  1. I agree with the title of this video. Vernon is a cross dresser, ugh, very weird, so I’ll not waste my time in actually listening.

    1. Since you didn’t put a link, I looked and found articles verifying this. I really don’t care what someone does in private, but Vernon wrote a book about it (Men in Dresses), so he’s not private about it. With that being said, he has put out some really powerful videos about this plandemic hoax. Is it possible he is being promoted so that he can then be brought down (due to his cross dressing), and his followers will drop him, causing more disruption and division for freedom fighters?

      1. I have posted links now on this thread. I can get the same information that he’s putting out elsewhere by folks that are NOT promoting the immorality and utterly disgusting degradation of men by dressing as women. For all you folks that want to listen to this degenerate, that’s your business. I choose not too. Maybe he’ll do a video bringing vital info in one of his sexy bras and a slinky dress, topped off with stilettos.

        1. The powers that be can use this kind of information to discredit him and his arguments, and to cause further disruption and division. When public figures have things in their past (such as he does), they are prime targets for cointelpro.

      1. To me, yes, it’s important as to whom it’s coming from. As I stated, I agree with the title, and knowing the name of the title is an indication of what I may have spent 15 or so minutes watching. I agree with the title but won’t waste precious minutes of my time to watch because the guy is weird regardless of the truth of what he’s saying.

        1. The guy is quite twisted. You’d never know by him sitting in the chair reading, but then he’d probably get less views with a bra, panties and lipstick!
          The world gets nuttier by the day.
          One good thing that has come of all this.
          The naysayers and disbelievers of what was called tin foil hat conspiracies since 9/11, are having a change of heart because this is moving too fast to cover up anymore. Even a hard headed friend of mine is (becoming) distrusting of the government. It’s about time. We’ll see if it isn’t too late, very soon.
          Thanks for the links.
          P.S. I first heard of this particular story on the Intelligence report. Mark Koernke thought the message was important enough to include the audio in his broadcast.

          Another thing that concerns me: When most truth tellers(people with a dissenting viewpoint, to the mainstream) have been and are, being banned from YouTube, (I’ve actually seen leftie/commies cheerfully use that as proof of fake news), How is it this guy is still on youtube, and why is the Intelligence Report able to post the broadcast on YouTube?

      2. You’d be throwing a full grown, elderly, can I say man, out with the bubble bath water. Thank God he ain’t American. Stay in England! Not that we don’t have our fair share of freaks here already.

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