Media Pushing the Idea That Fukushima Radiation Is Just Fine So Why Not Go Swim in It for Six Hours a Day

fukuradsThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

The mainstream media and their experts are finally openly admitting that radiation from the crippled nuclear reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the initial meltdown of which was equivalent to 168 of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima during World War II, has reached North American shoes, but don’t worry.

Everything, according to the system, is just fine and dandy.  

Via the Statesman Journal, April 6, 2015:

It’s the first time radioactivity from the March 2011 triple meltdown has been identified on West Coast shores.

Woods Hole chemical oceanographer Ken Buesseler emphasized that the radiation is at very low levels that aren’t expected to harm human health or the environment.

“Even if the levels were twice as high, you could still swim in the ocean for six hours every day for a year and receive a dose more than a thousand times less than a single dental X-ray,” Buesseler said. “While that’s not zero, that’s a very low risk.”

Yeah. That’s a “very low risk.” The risk is so incredibly low in fact, that the EPA collectively shrugged and went, “Eh, no big deal, who cares” as they shut off radiation monitors back in 2011 not long after the 9.0 earthquake hit Fukushima.

Also hurry up and forget the fact that the government found it within their infinite wisdom to raise the limits for radiation exposure post-Fukushima as well. Can’t be bad for you if it’s “within [continuously raised] safety limits.”

Also don’t look too deeply into the fact that a disproportionately high number of Fukushima survivors are getting cancer… The the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) has concluded that not only were there no immediate health effects but the Fukushima disaster, “is unlikely to be able to attribute any health effects in the future among the general public and the vast majority of workers” (key word: attribute).

While you’re at it, ignore that just a little bit of Fukushima radiation has been detected in this fish and a little bit in that kelp and a little bit in those vegetables and a little bit found in milk from Washington to New Jersey and a little bit in some pollen and a little bit on the trade winds and a little bit in some fruit and a little bit and a little bit and a little bit more…

Meanwhile, the crippled reactor continues to dump 400 tons of irradiated groundwater a day, every day, into that ocean, but come on guys. The power company TEPCO, which is 75% owned by the Japanese government, says that the radiation somehow is magically quarantined right in front of the plant and magically does not spread throughout the ocean in an act that defies all scientific logic whatsoever:

Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s claim that radioactive water leaking into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant is confined to the coast doesn’t make scientific sense, according to a U.S. researcher who surveyed waters off the site last month.

Japan’s government has supported the utility’s statement that the irradiated groundwater flowing into the Pacific Ocean at a rate of some 400 tons a day remains in an area of 0.3 square kilometers (0.12 square miles) within the bay fronting the atomic station. [emphasis added]

So why not go ahead and go swim in the Fukushima radiation contaminated ocean for six hours a day? The technocracy’s propaganda pushers and “experts” say it’s perfectly safe.

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Melissa Melton of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

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6 thoughts on “Media Pushing the Idea That Fukushima Radiation Is Just Fine So Why Not Go Swim in It for Six Hours a Day

  1. Of course the media is pushing this Extinction Level Event as safe. Just think how much $$$ TPTB can make when we’re all dying of cancer and immune system failure. The one thing they haven’t anticipated is: When we’re all dead, and the planet is toast, what will their fiat currency and 1’s & 0’s on computers do for them ? Oh, that’s right, they want to up-load their consciousness into robots in an attempt to cheat God, create their own immortality, and escape their punishment. Ain’t gonna happen . . . . .

    1. which reminds me, the CERN collider is about finding the glue that holds everything together. matter that’s containable and antimatter that is not. CERN is extracting antimatter which is negative energy. paranormal activity is attributed to antimatter. by extracting this dark matter there’s unintended and intended consequences. meaning its been weaponized.
      we all have those signatures of matter. some of us have already experienced this dark matter through paranormal activity, astral projection, nightmares, even in the prophetic, alien abductions, illness, behavioral changes, etc. but this is what they’re accessing and creating. the longer this thing is in use the worse people will become. the only way to protect yourself is through prayer. you have to start now. later will be too late. people who were once not affected by this, will be. hold your thoughts captive will be more important than ever.
      I also believe one of the many reasons people are not able to or have great difficulty in changing their emotional state is because of the toxins and frequencies we are inundated with.
      for a better understanding go to YouTube:What is “CERN”? an in depth explanation of what is coming.

      1. “My greatest nemesis is science, even more so than media. The science that alters life, the science that creates a counterfeit heaven, the science that toils with the womb and genes, the science that has filled the air with the power of the enemy, the science that creates chemical witchcraft and fouls the earth, the science which seeks to create life but cannot, in actuality, even sustain it. The science which has denied God.”
        This supercollider they fired up to capture “dark matter” will bring forth evil like you’ve never seen. They used to house this dark matter at a University but people in the surrounding area were experiencing paranormal phenomena, demons along with significant behavioral changes towards the dark side, if you know what I mean. That’s why they store this “dark matter” deep underground. So as they continue f*cking with the “God Particle”, they really have no idea of what they’re f*cking with. “Hey Stanley, poke it with a stick and see what happens,” ” Hey, Pandora, open that box.”
        Even Stephen Hawking changed his mind about God’s existence once the results of the initial tests of these “supercolliders” were published. The demons and power of the dark side were noted in these early tests and Hawking did “change his tune” concerning God’s existence as he realized what was happening.

  2. Let’s see these government officials go swimming, and stay in for just 6 minutes.
    Finally, you can swim and get a tan at the same time. But I feel that after 6 hours that you might come out looking like The Toxic Avenger……or that guy in Robo Cop, who gets the toxic waste spilled on him.

  3. This reminds me of the movie Jaws and how the Mayor got in the chiefs face about keeping the beaches open because of economic pressures as the great white lay in wait for yet another tasty human munchfest. I believe the same is somewhat at play here..they’ve just opted for one right out of the Jean-Claude Juncker ( finance minister who stated when it becomes serious , you have to lie ) playbook which revolved around currency as this does. It’s all about remain calm, all is well, so grab your kids and head for the ocean via your favorite snack food store or wherever ever you pass off this fiat currency and keep this corporate economic machine rolling and economic activity happening ( notice how I didn’t say recovery because there never really was one to begin with) and don’t forget that fish from the ocean are a great addition to your diet and BP crustaceans from the gulf are back and have never been better and so on and so forth and so on …

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