Microsoft Windows

Mami’s Shit

1 – UK government buys last-minute lifeline with £5.5m Windows XP support deal

The UK Government has bought a lifeline for Windows XP ahead of the software’s 8 April cut-off date, handing Microsoft £5.5m to continue supporting the operating system for an additional year.  

The government’s £5.48m will ensure that Microsoft continues to provide critical and important security updates for Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2003 and Exchange 2003, and comes just five days ahead of the operating system’s End of Life.  More here.

2 – Dutch government to pay Microsoft ‘millions’ to extend XP support 

The Dutch government has signed a ‘multi-million euro’ deal with Microsoft for continued support for its Windows XP systems, according to website Webwereld.

Between 34,000 and 40,000 Dutch national government civil servants are still using computers equipped with Windows XP, even though Microsoft is ending its support for the programme this month.

All government pcs are being switched to a new system by next January. Two out of five local councils in the Netherlands are also still using XP and this deal does not cover them, news agency ANP reports.   More here.

3 – Microsoft’s Windows 8 is Less Popular than Discontinued Windows XP

Microsoft’s Windows 8 is installed in fewer homes than the discontinued Windows XP, new stats have revealed.

According to StatCounter, statistics revealed in March indicate that Windows 7 has held on to its spot as the world’s most popular operating system by a considerable margin, with the OS installed on 55% of all surveyed systems. Meanwhile, Windows XP is the second most popular OS, despite Microsoft announcing that it will be discontinuing the OS in a matter of days, with 18.6% of all installs.  More here.

6 thoughts on “Microsoft Windows

  1. Bye-bye, Bill Gates, you lying, spying, thieving, genocidal, Zionist dirt-bag.

    I’m going to start building my next computer for when the spyware overwhelms this one, and it will not be operated by Windows, or contain any Microsoft products at all.

  2. A nice linus OS would be a good start,they support though XP anywhere we can all who still like XP get the goods,have no doubt about that!I just looked at this as time to go linux,f$%K microdot,eh,meant microsoft!

  3. That’s what happens when elitist corporate assholes like Bill Gates at Microsoft thinks he can dictate what software and operating systems we can and cannot use on our computers. If he has no customers, he has no business. The corporations keep forgetting that. Screw the stockholders and their shares, as it doesn’t matter in the end.

    WE THE PEOPLE choose to decide what we want on our computer. NOT THEM!

    No consumers, no business. No business, no money. No money, no power. No power, it’s back on the street with you living in a cardboard box or hung by a rope, you four-eyed, Harvard drop-out, piece of shit!

    Screw your WINDOWS 8! And stop trying to subliminally promote it on every episode on every TV program (example: Arrow, Revolution, Vampire Diaries, Nikita, Supernatural, Under the Dome and The Tomorrow People), as well as recent movies, as though it were a great thing.

    NO ONE LIKES IT!!!!!

    It’s pathetic and the fact that you have to implant it in scenes in the TV shows, show that you are getting desperate to sell something that no one gives a shit about. Once again, pathetic!

    And they (Hollywood TV shows) are starting to do the same thing with Obamacare, no thanks to Valerie Jarrett. Again, PATHETIC!!

    Your propaganda will not work on us as we see through your shit every day and are not buying it.

    YOU LOST! We the people have WON!

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