Military Training to Take Over U S Towns

Published on Feb 14, 2014 by ChristianVideoChanne

For those of you who thought the gov was purchasing all those bullets to just keep them off the street? This may actually wake you up! Add the civilian practice targets of U.S. children, pregnant women and elderly? It explains why they built all the FEMA camps as well. It’s time for people to stop living in denial. It IS what it IS! Be Prepared! Not Scared!

8 thoughts on “Military Training to Take Over U S Towns

  1. Psychopaths creating more psychopaths. Brainwashing is powerful tool I know from personal experience I was a nun and believe me I recognized it not right away but in time. I got out and away and it left a very bad taste in my mouth. That is when I got very serious about the truth of a god that would demand such processes.

    1. Susan
      I was raised in Catholicism. It is a pagan cult, if you will,, and a far cry from being true to scripture. So much deceit, and superstition. back then even, the priests were homo’s, as they are now. I know that from personal experience. All of my family is catholic, and are completely brain washed. When i left that abdominal religion, i never looked back, and began to learn the truth from the king James bible. i lost a lot of friends as well. The true God of gods is not present in most of the so called churches today. Mans so called wisdom has so corrupted the truth that it is no longer recognizable today.

  2. Them military boys want to play those war games then why now do it on our mexican american border to make it more realistic – but of course they are getting ready to take us americans down, which is why they are doing it where they are no doubt.
    Yea boys, be a F`n traitor and join up with the military ya bunch of traitors.Just remember when TSHTF, your military is going to have ya`ll fire on us fellow americans – and I use that term loosly when speaking of the military because you guys are everything but americans when you all are getting ready to fire upon us amaericans. 👿

    1. I wonder if their training included bullets flying at them from every window and doorway once they try to take us down. All that special training couldn’t defeat cave dwellers in a third world country. I don’t give them a Chinaman’s chance at success once they awake “The Sleeping Giant” American Nationals.

  3. “What truly puzzles me, is why the F $& K dont any of these military men and women lay down their weapons and walk away when they are made aware of the fact that they are training to take on fellow americans, FOR WHATEVER REASON.”

    I’ve been asking myself and others that same question for the past few years now. Still no answer.

  4. I know people that know everything all of you know, but are of the attitude of “Going along to get along”. They will be with our enemies pointing fingers at us knowing full well by doing so they condem themselves to slavery. These people are smart too. I know. I work with them as they are the top people in their field.

    Who can explain INSANITY and EVIL? I certainly can’t. Just can only fight them, because they will never know any other way but to enslave us and inflict on us murder and pain.

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