Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells

Cannabis NI

Dr. Christina Sanchez is a molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid Spain, her research led to the findings that THC does indeed kill cancer cells! She sat down with us to explain her work.

3 thoughts on “Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells

  1. hey Digger. thanks for the post. i have watched 2 people that i know personally actually heal themselves of cancer with this oil. of course it is illegal still to make it or use it. but it seems some people would rather live than obey unconstitutional edicts. also this is nothing new. it has been a medicine for many years.

    1. Yes it has been used as medicine since before biblical times. This biologist is just explaining it in a molecular level.
      Yes Paul, me being a heavy smoker of Herb all of my life and doing real good and now all of a sudden not being able to afford it and not trusting to order seeds through the mail I have as well as every one around me have noticed that my health has really took a downward fall this last year or so. It really sucks personally haveing to go with out a constant supply both physically and mentally.

      1. yes Digger its an outrage the way this situation is. Its a WEED dammit, and grows in the wild. Yet they tell you that you cant consume it. BULL SHIT.

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