Montana Bullet Works For Sale

Free North Carolina via Skynet

Dear customer,

Because of some recent, troublesome physical disabilities, I am no longer able to operate Montana Bullet Works. However, it is for sale, at a very attractive price.

The price includes over 400,000 bullets already cast and waiting to be sized and lubed. Also included is all of the necessary equipment, materials and customer contacted needed to re-open MBW. Once relocated, it truly is a turn-key operation.  

I have a large and loyal customer base, including you, who appreciate the quality and variety that MBW offers. They would respond very favorably to a re-opening of the business.

If you are interested in purchasing MBW and/or need additional information, please contact Mr. Platt through his email, Please feel free to forward this email as well to anyone you feel would be interested.

Thank you all for your years of loyalty,


Montana Bullet Works
3390 Canyon Drive
Unit D28
Billings, MT 59102

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