Netanyahu: I support Trump’s decision to bomb Syria

Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his support for the US air strike in Syria, Friday morning.

In the strike five dozen American Tomahawk missiles were fired from the Mediterranean Sea at Syria’s al-Shayrat airfield.  

The airbase played host to the very planes which on Tuesday laid chemical siege to a civilian town in Idlib province, killing 74 people and incapacitating over 550. It was not immediately clear whether Trump would order additional strikes.

“In words and actions President Trump sent a strong and clear response: The use of chemical weapons is unacceptable,” Netanyahu stated.

“Israel fully and unequivocally supports the presidents decision and hopes the clear message will reverberate not only in Damascus but also in Tehran, Pyongyang and other places.”

President Reuven Rivlin echoed Netanyahu’ statement calling the US airstrike a “fitting and appropriate response” to the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

“In acting as it has, the United States serves as an example to the entire free world, which must support any step required to bring the atrocities in Syria to an end,” Rivlin added.

“The US attack on Syria delivered an important and necessary message from the entire free world, led by the United Stated, that it will note tolerate the war crimes of [Syrian President] Bashar Assad’s regime against innocent civilians,” Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said in a statement Friday morning.

“These atrocities must be stopped, there is a price to pay for such cruelty.”

The IDF was warned in advance of the strike and supported the decision, according to the IDF spokesperson’s unit.

13 thoughts on “Netanyahu: I support Trump’s decision to bomb Syria

    1. Exactly! Trump is the Israel-firster so many of his IDIOT supporter voters thought (or deluded themselves into thinking) he wasn’t!

  1. “These atrocities must be stopped, there is a price to pay for such cruelty.” So must the ones in israel, get my drift?

  2. When do we get justice for the murders in Waco, that actually took place? American children have no souls right? This government will send tomahawk missles over fake younguns dying. But do nothing when the FBI burns to death 25 babies for nothing …….????

  3. I think trump told more lies during the election than obombo. I thought trump was giving our country back? A distraction is needed because the pedos are being tracked down.

  4. Syria supposedly shoots down 2 israeli jets.
    Putin tells israel no more bombings in syria
    Bug-eye lieberman then threatens to eliminate syrian air defense
    Trump bombs syria…probably a warning to the russians.

    Yeah bibi must be happy..but what’s good for the ‘jews’ is bad for everyone else.


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