Published on Mar 14, 2016 by ron johnson
What kind of chemtrail casts a shadow in the sky but not down to the ground? Black trails are the new phenom with reports increasing worldwide….
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
Published on Mar 14, 2016 by ron johnson
What kind of chemtrail casts a shadow in the sky but not down to the ground? Black trails are the new phenom with reports increasing worldwide….
An attemp to camouflage the spraying
If they can come close to a “color” or spectrum of the sky as we look up
They can spray us without us visually being able to recognize it
They are look for feed back, growing their balls, its just a matter of time before they spray something that will kill millions.
God help us when WWIII starts, you will see ballistic spraying then.
I have seen this phenomenon as long as 2 years ago. It DOES look like a reverse shadow. I suspect it might be a binary formula of some sort.
Our skies have become a poisonous witches’ cauldron of deception and wickedness.
“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18
Their time is coming…
Well if you saw these black chemtrails with your own eyes, Darzak, that adds some credibility to these claims, but I’ve only seen white chemtrails, myself.
.I have seen the black chemtrails also. We will get a picture next time we see one, they definitely stand out.
I’ve seen them too, Jolly Roger. Evil looking things but yeah, the sensationalist part destroys some credibility.
They must be going easy on me here — still only the white chemtrails, but with so many of you seeing the black ones, I guess that’s “independent confirmation” of the video.
Thanks. I’ll keep my eye out for them, and shave this beard so the gas mask works.
I’ve seen them. I also saw two white orb looking things moving in the white chemtrails. What that was, I don’t know exactly but im sure the technology is in relation to the chemtrails
I have seen the dark chemtrails probably 8-10 times that stand out in my memory. Most of the OTHER “dark” appearing chemtrails I have seen exist as shadows of higher level spraying on lower level haze/cloud (indicating that there is a significant enough density to the aerosols to produce a marked reduction in light transmission), but there have been the above mentioned times where there was either a dark spray that was not interrupted by the higher level clouds (showing that they were inferior to the higher cast, not above) or 3 or so times I have seen the parallel tracking of light and dark aerosols.
As I type this, I am reminded strongly of something else I have seen (verifiably, without any possibility it was a natural phenomenon) – of a large, rectangular, football field-shaped area of clear blue sky (with SQUARED corners) in a thick, heavily chemtrailed overcast 2 or 3 years ago in Ann Arbor, MI.
Mr. Koernke and myself were undertaking asset reclamation from the local refuse receptacles (dumpster-diving) when we noticed the oddity. It remains the most striking example of weather manipulation I have ever seen, even considering the chemtrail pictures you guys have seen from here in Indiana that I have posted – such as are seen here daily.
And I agree with you, JR…. the video was a badly presented concept interspaced with a bunch of craziness. I prefer not to endorse the lunatic fringe (especially when it appears they are being manipulated by or actually are agents provocateur), but this expose’ initiated a line of discussion that I could not pass up – this chemtrail shite is the worst example of stupid sheep not seeing what is right before there eyes, and it really troubles me that it is so difficult to awaken people to shite that is right before their eyes.
Like Henry says above…. I will grab photos of the next time I see this phenomenon in my AO.
Oh my God…!
Black chemtrails.
The KKK should be going ballistic right fkng now.
Now they’ve crossed the line!
Chemtrail diversity….affirmative action chemtrails.
I had to stop watching the video because they were shoveling too much sensationalist disinformation (designed to make you look like a crack-pot when you repeat it), but if these black chemtrails do actually exist (look for confirmation elsewhere before you believe this) as they’re described here, it’s a real problem, and here’s why:
In the first few minutes they show a process of one chemtrail plane following a black chemtrail, and spraying a white chemtrail on top of it. If they’re dong this, it’s because they’re mixing two different chemicals in the air before they reach us. If it’s a concoction that can’t be sprayed at once, it’s because they’re using two chemicals that can’t even sit in the same container without causing an uncontrollable reaction, and that means we’re being hit with some heavy chemical punches.
Now….. since this entire video reeks with the stench of disinformation, you have to consider how easy it would be to take a negative of a regular chemtrail (which would be black), and superimpose (photo-shop) it on a regular chemtrail (white) and concoct this crazy story that will make anyone who repeats this to their friends sound like a lunatic. (and they do this constantly to discredit us, and have people running back to the TV for info)
The entire video reeks of BS
I’m the woman in the video. This is my original video. It in no way eludes to what their video eludes to. In fact, I had no idea this video was being made using my video.
I think they used you to add a little credibility to what otherwise sounds like hogwash.
Black chemtrails are real. I reported on them 3 1/2 yrs. ago, only I called them dark grey.
wow — Thanks, Hatr… this is the first I’ve heard of them, and they do sound scary for the reason I described above (mixing of two chemicals)
Welcome, JR.
I took some photos of the last black chemtrail I saw here (2nd one).
They’re not real sharp, but you can tell what it is. I’m going to send them to Henry/Laura in a few mins.
Remember~Black trails matter.
You see, just having “white” chemtrails was racist!
Why do we continue to allow them to spray us like bugs? I just don’t get it. The pilots don’t know what’s goin’ on? I think they know very well and are paid handsomely for their treason.
It’s well documented, going on “all over” and lot of people know and get hush money.
Wait until they are all exposed! I don’t know how they sleep now. Tick, tick, tick, yep, the day of reckoning is approaching fast, like a locomotive!
another possibility for mixing chemicals in the air (rather than just spraying us with them from one container) is a limited effectiveness over time.
The mixture may only possess its desired properties for a short period of time after the chemicals are combined, and in that case, they may not be able to transport them very far before they’re useless to them.
Good point. Putting it out there but perhaps the ability of it to be effective initially and then dissipate beyond any air quality sampling which would incriminate and indicate that something had been man-made and intentionally introduced via aerosol spraying. Kind of a chemical half-life?
Their coming for YOUR kids.
And the crowd goes…mediocre!
go back to sleep.
The sky over northern Arizona this morning looked like a chessboard. Now it’s just hazy overcast. I don’t even bother taking videos or pics anymore, just a comment to the wife, “Looks like the assholes are working overtime today.”.
You people kill me.
I thought I was the only one.
I feel like the little bee girl in the music video…
No Rain….By Blind Melon.
To be able to find your own towards the end is a blessing.
God protect and bless all the trenchers.