New York Court Lists Khamenei As The Second Defendant In The September 11 Attacks

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is what we have been talking about. Incrementally they are blaming Iran various issues. We have seen this kick up since the start of the year. They are bringing Iran into the negative spotlight once again. Bloomberg reported the judge mentioned in this article placed a $10.5 billion dollar judgement against Iran citing them as a cause for the 9/11 attacks. Read this line from Bloomberg: “Daniels found that Iran had failed to defend claims that it aided the Sept. 11 hijackers and was therefore liable for damages tied to the attacks.

So there was no proof just claims, but hey that was enough to find them “guilty” and fine them $10.5 billion.

Looking at Syria they cannot have that much time left so the next nation to conquer will be Iran. We also see North Korea in the news as well, but I highly doubt war will break out. If it did, it will be limited and fairly quick to remove their leader.

According to a report obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat, Southern District of New York Judge George Daniels listed Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the Lebanese Hezbollah as the second and third defendants accused of planning, funding and executing the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. The first defendant was listed as the former Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

In the second part of this investigation which revolves around the New York judge’s report, there are additional details relating to the evidence that was presented to the court. In his report which forms the basis for his ruling that the Iranian government and Hezbollah collaborated with Al-Qaeda in executing, planning and funding the September 11 attacks, Judge George Daniels said “the plaintiffs presented convincing evidence to the court indicating that Iran provided Al-Qaeda with financial support and resources to carry out terrorist acts which include the September 11 attacks”.

Source: New York Court Lists Khamenei as the Second Defendant in the September 11 Attacks – ASHARQ AL-AWSAT

World Events and the Bible

3 thoughts on “New York Court Lists Khamenei As The Second Defendant In The September 11 Attacks

  1. In commercial contract law, failing to respond to an offer, or “going silent” is considered as acting in dishonor. The offer was to accept liability as the responsible party in the 9/11 show. It doesn’t matter whether Iran or Khamenei had anything to do with it or not, the lack of response puts the recipient of the offer in dishonor, and thereby culpable as to the liability.
    The proper response would have been to respond with a counter-offer consisting of some other non-factual Bravo Sierra, thereby placing the obligation of proof on the original party.

    At this time, they should respond to the original offer on a “nunc pro tunc” basis (now for then), which would create a legal “way-back” machine to the period during which the initial response would have been appropriate.
    Seems ridiculous, but this is how they operate in Admiralty Maritime Commerce.
    Let’s see how it plays out…. We know the globalists are looking for any means to take Iran down.

  2. “Daniels found that Iran had failed to defend claims that it aided the Sept. 11 hijackers and was therefore liable for damages tied to the attacks.”

    Iran should demand incontrovertible proof that any planes actually brought those buildings down.

    Not even the stinking jews can suspend the laws of physics.

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