No more Ft. Sumters?

Battlefield USA

Ft. Sumter has you surrounded.

You are living in it.

Whether you realize it or not, it is the camp you are living in. Your home is in that camp. Your community is in that camp. Your state is in that camp. Your country is in that camp.  

It is all around you.

Look up at the telephone pole, or street lamp, or traffic light. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Pick up your phone. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Log on to your computer. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Pay your taxes. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Look over there at officer friendly. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Look over there at all those ABC federal regulatory agencies. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Look over there at all those federal law enforcement agencies. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Look at those thousands of malum prohibitum laws, codes, statutes, regulations, public policies… Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

Look at all the new technology they are creating, some of which, too many of you don’t know exist. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

This little list is in no way exhaustive. Hell, there are things that even I don’t know about. But be assured, someone knows.

See… you are where you are at, looking at some historical Ft. Sumter and exclaiming, “No more Ft. Sumters.”

What you failed to see… well, is the forest, for the tree.

Your looking at Ft. Sumter. All you see is a tree. You fail to see the forest.

While you are looking at Ft. Sumter, and exclaiming, “No more Ft. Sumters,” you don’t realize that Ft. Sumter has been building walls. They have been building generational walls. They built a wall around your generation. And when the next generation came along, they built a new wall, and tore down the old wall. And the cycle repeats itself.

Remember where we were? Here we are. Imagine where we will be.

But, but. but… Ft. Sumter is over there! I can see it! What are you talking about?

Exactly. Ft. Sumter finally hoodwinked you. You have your eyes so fixated on Ft. Sumter, you didn’t notice that Ft. Sumter had you surrounded. That Ft. Sumter expanded.

Ft. Sumter is all around you. Ft. Sumter has imprisoned you. Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

You’ve been treating Ft. Sumter as some small external entity “over there” waiting for this Ft. Sumter to attack you… because, you know… “No more Ft. Sumters,” when in reality, IT IS YOU who are internal of the walls of Ft. Sumter.

I like to quote this once in a while, although most people think it is not speaking of them, but THEIR children:

When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” – Adolf Hitler, 1933

Guess what? You were once a child. And there is no “new camp.” It is the same old camp. And every generation in that camp has been acclimatized to prepare the next generation to acclimatized the next generation… and so on, and so on.

Remember where we were? Here we are. Imagine where we will be.

You see, Ft. Camp Sumter isn’t something to be attacked “after they have made THEIR move,” as if it were some external Point A to be attacked. They have already made their move. And you are their prisoners. You have already been captured. And you have been living in their camp for a very long time. And they are constantly expanding, preparing the camp for the… new comers… born within the camp.


Welcome to Ft. Camp Sumter.

And there are only 2 ways out Ft. Camp Sumter.

Your move people.

But be assured, with the medical and technological advances expanding rapidly over mind and matter… one day, will never come.

And this, will be your only hope.

But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but…

But we’re comfortable… aren’t we?

And he’s such a good camp doctor. Gives me this little pill to acclimatize me to my condition…

Remember where we were? Here we are. Imagine where we will be.

And your children call you… old-fashioned. Reveling in their condition. Just like you… Like your father…

Do you really… want… liberty?

Welcome, to Ft. Camp Sumter community.

Smile. Wave to the guards. Maybe, if they feel nice at the moment, they’ll give you a pretend-a-morsel of… pretend-a-liberty?

One thought on “No more Ft. Sumters?

  1. It wouldn’t be too late if enough people would band together and
    attack Ft. Sumter. But, alas, no one bands together; no one can agree.
    It would have to be this generation as the next is already indoctrinated.
    Sure there is more of us then there are of them but most of us still won’t
    admit there is a them.

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