NWO Scheme to Institute a Global Mandatory Vaccination Regime Exposed

State of the Nation

“This is a RED ALERT of the very highest order. Big Pharma and WHO Scientists have conspired to declare that no natural immunity is occurring from COVID-19 infections.  They are deceitfully pointing to multiple re-infections to prove their case.  What they willfully neglect to state is the extent to which 5G (and 4G), annual flu vaccines and chemtrails are being used to trigger corona-virus re-infections.  This is all about promoting vaccine-induced immunity as the ONLY way to halt the pandemic.  The future vaccine, which will be toxic and ineffective, is being presented as the only path to terminating the lockdowns. Which means they already have a fake vaccine ready to roll-out…soon to become compulsory! That means a mandatory “immunity certificate” will function as a global citizen ID card.  And, that perpetual medical martial law will become the new normal.”
— Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Army Officer

State of the Nation

The latest deceit to be perpetrated during THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC is as alarming as it gets.  Not only does it reveal how malevolent these career globalist criminals really are, their nefarious New World Order agenda is becoming more transparent by the week.

Quite ironically, their ever-changing pandemic narrative is quickly exposing one of the primary goals of the NWO globalist cabal—mandatory COVID-19 vaccines.

Surely, there’s no better way to stage a panic around a manufactured pandemic than to con the public into believing there is no immunity conferred upon those patients who have recovered from COVID-19.

The reason why they are able to get away with this deception is because the perpetrators are careful to keep hidden the other 3 of the 4 major components of this quaternary weapon system.

Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

Quaternary Weapon System

Until folks understand that there are at least four components of the COVID-19 bioweapon system, they will be easily misled by the entirely staged panic.  The unaware will also be ever more vulnerable to both an initial coronavirus infection as well as multiple re-infections.

In addition to the COVID-19 bioweapon itself, there are 3 other components that are creating a highly conducive environment for this pandemic to NEVER END.  What follows is a list of the 4 major stealth weapons which are covertly deployed by this AI-coordinated quaternary weapon system.

(1)  COVID-19 Bioweapon

(2)  5G Roll-outs & Existing 4G

(3)  Annual Flu Vaccines

(4)  Chemtrail Aerosols

The reason why so many COVID-19 patients are experiencing multiple re-infections is because of their exposure to any or all four of these coronavirus triggers.  The military deployment of 5G worldwide, however, is the primary trigger of the biggest urban explosions of coronavirus clusters.  The extraordinarily intensive 5G roll-outs in Wuhan, Milan, New York City and the Seattle area, where first major coronavirus outbreaks occurred, prove this direct 5G–COVID-19 correlation.

CONFIRMED! Coronavirus Clusters Correlating Directly with 5G Networks

However, there is also a fifth element of this ongoing wave of bioterrorism being furtively conducted around the globe.  That concerns the relaunching of the COVID-19 bioweapon in the same nations, cities or regions where coronavirus clusters have already exploded. Sometimes, these relaunches disseminate different strains of COVID-19 which serve to significantly complicate both diagnosis and treatment even more.

Hence, there are actually five main components of this weapon system that are being used to extend this pandemic indefinitely.  Successive biological attacks with the COVID-19 bioweapon in previously attacked areas is clearly the most powerful method of re-infection of all.  Hence, the COVID-19 relaunch is added to the previous list as follows.

(5) COVID-19 Relaunches

It should be noted that each of these four bioweapons contains the potential to not only trigger coronavirus outbreaks when employed individually, when they are utilized in a concerted manner they will retrigger coronavirus explosions with purposeful dramatic effect in those targeted cities.  In this way, the perpetrators will sustain the bioengineered coronavirus pandemic into perpetuity.

Read the rest here: http://stateofthenation.co/?p=12517

One thought on “NWO Scheme to Institute a Global Mandatory Vaccination Regime Exposed

  1. Directly after the april 1/fools day statements made by fauci etal, the chemtrail spraying ramped way up here in central texas. So bad was it, the filaments were stucking to the focal lens of my cctv cameras.

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