Obama on Snowden “I’m Not Going to Scramble Jets to get a 29-Year-Old Hacker.” That’s What He Says in Africa…

Before It’s News

Funny how Public Relations works: Inside the U.S. Ed Snowden is a traitor, whistle-blowers (now a BAD thing to be when up to very recently, the authorities routinely “called for witnesses to come forward” in a crime situation) and a criminal who of course should be treated like Manning and locked up naked in solitary.  

But on his ‘good will’ Africa tour, President Barack Obama says the United States is going to use “well-established” channels to resolve the situation of Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker who is evading U.S. authorities. But the president, speaking at a press conference in Senegal, said, “I’m not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker.”

Snowden, the former National Security Agency computer contractor who spilled details of U.S. surveillance programs to reporters, flew to Russia from Hong Kong after American authorities sought his extradition on espionage charges. He is believed to be holed up at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport. He has requested asylum in Ecuador.


2 thoughts on “Obama on Snowden “I’m Not Going to Scramble Jets to get a 29-Year-Old Hacker.” That’s What He Says in Africa…

  1. At least we can know for sure Snowden, who in the view of most Americans is a true Patriot for confirming at great risk to himself what we already knew about government spying, has provable citizenship bona fides.

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