Off-duty cops collect DNA samples at Alabama roadblocks

The Daily Caller – by Caroline May

Off-duty cops in two counties in Alabama spent the weekend collecting saliva and blood samples from drivers at roadblocks.

According to Lt. Freddie Turrentine with the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department, drivers were asked to voluntarily offer samples of their saliva and blood for a study being conducted by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation.  

The drivers were compensated for their samples.

“They’ve got big signs up that says ‘paid volunteer survey’ and if they want to participate they pull over there and they ask them questions and if they are willing to give them a mouth swab they give them $10 and if they are willing to give them a blood sample they give them $50. And if they don’t do anything they drive off,” Turrentine explained to The Daily Caller.

Turrentine said that St. Clair County had five roadblocks from Friday afternoon through the early morning hours of Sunday. He added that Bibb County also had roadblocks of this kind.

The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office did not respond to TheDC’s request for comment by publication.

Turrentine said that Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs asked the county to participate and that the funding for the study is coming from the National Highway Safety Administration.

“What they are trying to do is 60 sites across the country,” he said, explaining the study will be conducted from June to October and is meant to get a better understanding of inebriation patterns.

“They are trying to get 75,000 participants with anonymous donations of blood — and they don’t know whose blood or whose swab it is — and they are trying to say ‘okay after this hour at night, out of these 75,000 people 10 percent of them had alcohol in their blood or 12 percent of them had some kind of narcotic in their blood. That is all they’re doing, for impaired driving,’” he explained.

Turrentine said he did not know how many people deputies sampled over the weekend but said that St. Clair County had completed its portion of the study and would not be putting up more roadblocks of that kind.  He added that this was not the first time the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation had conducted a study in the county. The last such test was in 2007.

The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation did not immediately respond to request for comment, nor did the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs.

The incident did cause a stir on social media with people voicing concern about the roadblocks.

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12 thoughts on “Off-duty cops collect DNA samples at Alabama roadblocks

  1. Like everything else the cops and the sheriffs do,voluntary now and soon to be mandatory. This is the trial balloon stage to get the sheep use to seeing them doing it and what heir reactions would be.Anyone that can’t see where all of this government intrusion into their lives is leading is beyond ignorant! And these pig bastards are doing all of this with no shame what so ever!

    1. Haven’t you heard? Voluntary, according to the government, has been redefined to mean mandatory and enforceable. Just look at how the IRS ‘code’ is written. Even on the front cover of their own agent handbooks it clearly states, “Our tax system is based on individual self assessment and voluntary compliance.”.

      Yet, when you call the bastards on that one they swindle you with non-answers and threaten you with prison time. So, how long before these voluntary swabbing roadblocks become voluntary backed by enforceable thuggery?

      1. Why of course, JoeRepublic. It is mandatory that you have to voluntarily come to me and pay your taxes and do everything else I say. It’s no fun for the elite when they force you to do something. It shows you are much more powerful and god-like when you do something for them VOLUNTARILY without asking. Like kissing the ring of Netanyahoo’s Zionist Israel. We are just pets to them. If not, you go to prison. It makes perfect sense in the Orwellian world.

  2. Any mush-minded idiot that complied with that “request” deserves a place on the deportation barges headed to Somalia! Anyone who is not furious over this kind of crap is part of the cloud of stupidity that has enveloped this country for far too damn long!

  3. This was NOT anything other than a driver info collection check point. As you drive AWAY they write down the LICENSE PLATE of the car ON THE FORM. We had the same kind of scam run by the shiesters here in Michigan years ago. All of the forms were “A-nony-mouse”. As each car drove away from the uniformed “data collector” (read that rat spy) He/she/it wrote the number of the license plate on the form. I am to the point where I simply hate these filthy liars. Liberty and 1775 is the answer to the problem. MGK/GDW!

  4. …impeach all of the political and law enforcement leadership in this country…charge and convict them of treason…just like the Bush family..the Obama family…the Gore, Cheney,Rumsfeld…Clinton families….convict all of them and their children of generational treason….convict these pigs of treason and violations of their oaths…and hang them… a National Gallows for American Values as a new national monument at Ground Zero 911…and start hanging these people now….


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

  5. Who in their F***ing right mind allowed a roadblock like this to exist without properly charging them with obstructing traffic. Can I create a roadblock for a lemonade stand?

  6. They needed to get DNA from motorists because they swabbed the cops …and found they weren’t human.

    Hello NSA geek.

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