On Wednesday, Portland will pass the best low-density zoning reform in US history

Sightline Institute

Portland’s city council seems certain Wednesday to set a new bar for North American housing reform by legalizing up to four homes on almost any residential lot.

Portland’s new rules will also offer a “deeper affordability” option: four to six homes on any lot if at least half are available to low-income Portlanders at regulated, affordable prices. The measure will make it viable for nonprofits to intersperse below-market housing anywhere in the city for the first time in a century

And among other things it will remove all parking mandates from three quarters of the city’s residential land, combining with a recent reform of apartment zones to essentially make home driveways optional citywide for the first time since 1973.

It’s the most pro-housing reform to low-density zones in US history.

The “Residential Infill Project,” as it’s known, melds ideas pioneered recently by Minneapolis and Austin and goes well beyond the requirements of a state law Oregon passed last year.

The proposal is expected to pass 3-1. After years of local headlines describing the proposal as “controversial,” both of the council members up for re-election see their promised “yes” votes as key accomplishments. Of the council’s two open seats, a commissioner-elect and both candidates in today’s council runoff have also endorsed its principles.

See the pics and read the rest here: https://www.sightline.org/2020/08/11/on-wednesday-portland-will-pass-the-best-low-density-zoning-reform-in-us-history/

3 thoughts on “On Wednesday, Portland will pass the best low-density zoning reform in US history

  1. Was this the plan all along? Pre-Antifa/BLM Invasion?

    “regulated, affordable prices”

    Is this communism getting a foot in the front door? Two feet?

    And how does this play in?: “to essentially make home driveways optional citywide for the first time since 1973.” Anyone have an insight on this?

    Everyone wants a good price on a home, but corrupt politicians won’t go to the source of the problem: The billionaires and big banks. The bubbles, taxes, inflation, exorbitant interest rates. I guess you don’t mess with the hand that feeds you. And then there’s the job market. Jobs either shipped out or given to foreigners/invaders. Without a strong, working economy, much home-ownership can only come from communism, which is theft, ruthless theft, and you never really own the home anyway.

    Oh well, we know the dismantling is underway.



    1. Stacked like cordwood on top of each other but still alive and slaving to the kikes for their shekels is the plan all along.

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