Oregon Woman Finds A Mountain Lion Sleeping In Her Home

The Daily Sheeple – by Dawn Luger

An Oregon woman returned home to a bizarre sight: a mountain lion napping behind her sofa. Lauren Taylor posted about the event on social media, which took place July 8 in Ashland.

According to a post Taylor made on Facebook, after drinking from a pond in Taylor’s backyard, the cat likely entered her home through an open back door. The post had garnered more than 17,000 reactions and shares as of Tuesday morning.  

The large cat napped for over six hours in Taylor’s home before she left peacefully, and very likely, well rested. “This is wild,” Taylor wrote. “The door was open and the room has huge plants and stairs built around real tree branches, so she likely didn’t even realize she was walking indoors until she was inside.”

After entering the home, the cat was startled by Taylor’s roommate, who screamed upon seeing the mountain lion. This prompted the wild animal to hide behind the sofa, where it snoozed for several hours.

Taylor made a noise to wake the feline, but then “gazed lovingly into her eyes, and communicated using feline-speak eye blinking to calm her,” she wrote.

“It was amazing to realize that this worked. I gazed lovingly then blinked hard and then she did it back,” Taylor continued, adding that the cat then went back to sleep. “She clearly felt safe and she showed no inclination to leave.” –Fox News

After the mountain lion laid down to nap again, Taylor said she left peacefully as dawn approached and the woman used a drum to coax the cat outside.  “She roused and knew just what to do…. walking out through the open doors, through the yard, across the creek, and through the empty field behind us exactly as we had shown her,” said Taylor, adding she has “extensive experience working with energy and animals.”

“It was a perfect ending to a blessed encounter that could have been dangerous if approached from a lower frequency,” she continued. “May she stay safely in the hills to enjoy a long life as a wild and healthy lion.”

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Contributed by Dawn Luger of The Daily Sheeple.

Dawn Luger is a staff writer and reporter for The Daily Sheeple. Wake the flock up – follow Dawn’s work at our Facebook or Twitter.

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8 thoughts on “Oregon Woman Finds A Mountain Lion Sleeping In Her Home

  1. Look at the brightside.

    It really could have been worse.

    She could have found her husband sleeping on the couch with a mountain lion.

    Or even worse. …

    A dead hooker from Vegas sleeping with her husband on the couch with a mountain lion.

  2. “….communicated using feline-speak eye blinking to calm her,”….”

    Feline speak eye blinking? That cat was friendly, and drowsy because it had a full belly. If it wandered into that house hungry we’d be reading an entirely different story that wouldn’t include any Disney-esque “feline-speak eye blinking”.

  3. I doubt it if frequency would work on garden-invading javelinas or house invading rattlesnakes…

    But the mountain lion looks beautiful. Now if it can only be trained to hunt those who would deny anyone their Bill of Rights…As my comments often say regarding the thugs, “watch out for mountain lions”!

    1. Same for in the city. Honor your 2nd Amendment rights, or lose them and let the Obama/Crooked Hillary Clinton Deep State take over with impunity.

      1. Hell no, we are not going to let the Obama/Crooked Hillary Clinton/Deep State take over with impunity. And by the way, Hell no, we are not going to let the Fabian socialist/Trump/Kushner/Judeo Christian/Masonic Dirty Church Cabal take back the reins of power either.
        The Bill of Rights and the common law are going to be reinstated as the absolute law for the united States of the Americas.

  4. There’s a reason why people that lived in the wilderness always carried a pistol on their belt

    It was a form of life insurance
    You never knew what kind of beast you could be up against
    Largely that has not changed in this country
    Although the predators have changed from mostly 4 legged to 2

  5. Nothing like an invite to dinner . dumb ass …… human A friend sent me a photo on FB of the same thing . those nice kittys were not starving lucky them . …. But i bet the rangers will out looking to kill them because they tresspassed on private property. heres the picture.

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