Out of control cop fires on teens found making out in car

Out of control cop fires on teens found making out in carIntellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

TULSA, Okla. (INTELLIHUB) — According to reports, a campus cop, who was working the Elliot Elementary School campus recently, fired upon a teen couple who were merely making out in a parked vehicle.

Apparently the officer decided it was prudent to shoot at the 17-year-old’s car with two occupants, after the driver fled from the scene while being confronted by the cop during the lovers steamy kissing session.  

The driver’s side rear wheel was reported to have been struck by a bullet.

Reports say that the driver just wanted to leave the scene and was likely embarrassed.

Sara Whaley reporting for Fox23 News wrote:

The officer said he felt threatened by that move and fired the shot.

Payne emphasized his officer’s right to the gun.

“Our police officers are all CLEET certified, so they are real police officers,” Payne said. 

However, he said criminal investigators will have to decide if he used that gun the right way.
Justified or not, the school district said the kids had no right being on their property. 

While being on the property is hardly an excuse to shoot at two unarmed teens kissing, it demonstrates the fluidity of the ever-increasing police state.

Read more at http://intellihub.com/control-cop-fires-teens-found-making-car/#7AcDfB1ebpdLpida.99


3 thoughts on “Out of control cop fires on teens found making out in car

  1. “Our police officers are all CLEET certified, so they are real police officers,” Payne said.”

    That’s glaringly obvious, @sshole.

    After all, he WAS shooting at an unarmed FLEEING suspect, so we can see where he ‘feared for his (miserable, worthless) life’. That definitely qualifies him as a “REAL POLICE OFFICER”, by today’s (communist) standards.

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