A “Pedogate Coin” from the US Mint

Published on Mar 13, 2017 by RoadtoRoota

The US Mint has just released a commemorative coin honoring one of the largest pedophile coverups in US history! If feel sick to my stomach after making this but it has to get out there to END this sick game.

2 thoughts on “A “Pedogate Coin” from the US Mint

  1. He sure credits Trump for making lots of arrests of these pedophiles, personally, I don’t believe Trump is, why would I?

    They don’t call them “liar in chief” for nothing.

    I will say I’d never heard of the Boys Town racket until now. My God, another outrage. They MUST be dealt with, period, for all their crimes, fraud, murder,thieving, etc.,etc.,etc.,etc..

  2. You dont suppose Father Flannagan and Whitey Marsh were…..nahh they didnt have pizza back then, or did they ???

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