Police Officer Accidentally Kills Woman During Failed Drug Raid

Screenshot 2013-12-19 at 2.47.21 AMBen Swann – by Kristin Tate

On Wednesday, 35-year-old Krystal Barrows was resting on her couch when Sgt. Brett McKnight shot and killed her during a failed drug raid.

Police had gathered outside of Barrows’ trailer home to conduct a heroin bust when McKnight’s gun went off by “accident.” The bullet went through the exterior of the trailer and struck Barrows. She died hours later after being taken by helicopter to Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center.  

Barrows was the mother of three sons, ages 9, 14, and 19. She had no criminal record in Ross County except for one misdemeanor having to do with disorderly conduct.

During the raid, six people were arrested. Police found a handgun on one man as well as several pistols and assault rifles in the trailer home. It is not known if anyone in the home attempted to threaten officers with a weapon.


A large amount of heroine and stolen cash was also confiscated.

At this time, many details regarding the raid have not been released by Ross County officials.

McKnight has been placed on leave as a result of the incident. Investigators are currently trying to determine if the shot was fired due to a mistake on the officer’s part, or if the gun itself malfunctioned.

Regardless, Barrows’ death is arguably due to the expensive and often ineffective “War on Drugs.”

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Kristin Tate is a writer and commentator. She was trained in journalism by John Stossel at the Fox Business Network. Dedicated to fearless reporting, Tate regularly works on undercover stings with journalist James O’Keefe to reveal government waste, abuse, and fraud. Tate was a Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) Chapter President and Founder in Boston. She will continue to fight tirelessly for individual liberty and free markets through reporting and new media. Follow Kristin on Twitter @KristinBTate.

Read more: http://benswann.com/police-officer-accidentally-kills-woman-during-failed-drug-raid/#ixzz2nvE6uUmz
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3 thoughts on “Police Officer Accidentally Kills Woman During Failed Drug Raid

    1. Sit tight, Digger….. the day is rapidly approaching when shooting a cop will be called “justice” rather than murder.

  1. “Investigators are currently trying to determine if the shot was fired due to a mistake on the officer’s part, or if the gun itself malfunctioned.”

    WTF?! Of course this was a negligent discharge and the oinker should be in jail awaiting trial for involutray manslaughter

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