PROOF: Antifa shooting of Trump supporter in Portland WAS an ASSASSINATION.

Sep 2, 2020
Watch, step by step, as Prayer Patriot, Aaron “Jay” Danielson, is targeted by Antifa killer, Michael Forest Reinoehl with the cooperation of Black Lives Matter associates.

8 thoughts on “PROOF: Antifa shooting of Trump supporter in Portland WAS an ASSASSINATION.

  1. Do you see how organized and prepared they are? How devious? I want to remind people that if you think about waiting for it to come to you, it already has. This time it was a trump supporter. And that makes some dismiss it. In reality it was a crime against a human being for what he believed in like it or not. And tomorrow it will be against those who cherish the “racist bill of rights”. Communism does not believe in rights. This will not stop. It will escalate and war is here whether we want it or not. Just like this commie who shot him said before he got what he deserved.

  2. I saw that video before but couldn’t for the life of me understand what he was bitching about “his eyes” and fake coughing. That’s definitely a signal which means it was coordinated and planned.

  3. After watching this I ponder this question…. what type of gun did he use because there was too much smoke to be from a modern round…. was it a blank …. was this a made for tv video by the deep state false flag event? Watch the shooting in Kenosha and there are some strange anomalies there also such as the guy shot in the head with an AR at a couple feet distance and there’s no blood coming out of his wound or no blood on the ground. Like the black guy in the white tank top shot by the police 7 times and you don’t see any blood there……. just makes me wonder like on 9/11 when the nose of one plane is shown to be coming out of the opposite side of one of the towers after supposedly slamming through steel and concrete. Like I said there are some strange things going on which don’t make sense

    1. Solution: What do you think would have happened if someone would have pulled an AK47 with a 75 round drum on it out from underneath one of those tables, hooked his thumb through his belt loop, and bump fired it, swinging it back and forth? I bet you could have heard a cricket chirp by the time that drum was empty.
      They will do to you what you will let them.

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