Psychiatry in the Military The Hidden Enemy Military Documentary

Arew Dort

Jul 24, 2015

The Hidden Enemy – Inside Psychiatrys Covert Agenda Full Documentary. This documentary shows how the army is exploited as Psychiatrys testing ground for .

Military Suicides are NOT a mistake: The Hidden Enemy Inside Psychiatrys Covert Agenda Full Documentary This documentary shows how .

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The Hidden Enemy, a comprehensive, years-in-the-making, documentary has been released by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). It is the first .

One thought on “Psychiatry in the Military The Hidden Enemy Military Documentary

  1. This is a long vid so I had to watch in two parts. It is an excellent documentary. I was surprised to see less than one thousand views since 2015. Psychiatrists are like Lawyers.
    I understand the money angle but that is short sighted. The long game is to destroy us both mentally and physically whether it be with psych meds or vaccines or whatever else they use. ‘Soften the target’ so to speak. Even if it takes generations. How sad that so many of the children of those deployed are also placed on these psych meds as they have difficulty coping with the parent who returns that is not the parent they remember leaving.
    ‘Know your rights’ ….. they have a right to informed consent and a right to refuse treatment
    I will add: Do not take your oath to the CONstitution. It binds you to the fraud. Your oath is to the Bill of Rights.

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