Rahm Emanuel reelected Chicago mayor

The Hill – by David McCabe

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) was reelected Tuesday, CBS Chicago projected, beating back a challenge from Cook County Commissioner Jesús “Chuy” García (D).

With 89 percent of the precincts in the city reporting, Emanuel was hovering around 56 percent of the vote to García’s 44 percent.  

The race was pushed to a runoff in February when Emanuel, a former chief of staff to President Obama, failed to garner more than 50 percent of the vote.

“Thank you, Chicago,” Emanuel said Tuesday night, according to the Chicago Tribune. “To the Second City that voted for a second term, and a second chance.”

As the runoff approached, Emanuel portrayed himself as a seasoned leader who can handle the financial and social challenges facing Chicago. Among other arguments, his campaign said that García had no plan to handle the city’s precarious finances.

García ran as a populist and said Emanuel’s policies were detrimental to poor and minority Chicagoans — particularly on education and crime.

He drew on resentment among city residents with Emanuel’s handling of schools. The mayor has closed many and was in office during a teachers strike in 2012.

The mayor outspent García, who was supported by national progressive groups and some unions. Emanuel also brought in endorsements from major figures, including Obama.

Jim Dean, chairman of Democracy for America, a liberal group that campaigned for García, was defiant in defeat.

He said in a statement that the close race “only strengthened, unified and trained an army of grassroots activists who stand ready to hold the Mayor accountable at every turn.”

“Make no mistake: Tonight’s results aren’t a setback for the broad-based progressive movement looking to bring Elizabeth Warren-style, populist progressive reform to Chicago, it’s just the beginning,” he said.


13 thoughts on “Rahm Emanuel reelected Chicago mayor

  1. Funny they don’t mention the company who leased out the (corrupt and manipulated) voting machines.

    Hell, why should they. They just “Rahm” it down our throats.

  2. “Thank you, Chicago,” Emanuel said Tuesday night, according to the Chicago Tribune. “To the Second City that voted for a second term, and a second chance.”

    I believe there’s misprint here.

    ““Thank you, Diebold,” Emanuel said Tuesday night, according to the Chicago Tribune. “To the Second City that voted for a second term, and a second chance.”

    All fixed.

  3. News like this sure is incentive to run right out and vote in the rigged selections that go on all over the country. For even the most ignorant of sheep to think that any of this can be reversed at the voting booth is living truth that the fluoride in the water works at making idiots that are blind!

  4. Wow…the Godfather gets re-elected. Gee…Did he even run against anyone? Who was running against him? Hell, I didn’t even know there was an election.

    1. It was pretty much a “coronation” for the mob kingpin in the “Windy City” if you want to call it anything NC.

    2. He ran against Cook County Commissioner Jesús “Chuy” García (D).

      “Emanuel’s win dashes hopes among some that the race would produce the city’s first Latino mayor and put a Mexican-born immigrant in charge of the nation’s third largest city.”


      “How Jesus ‘Chuy’ Garcia Lost the Election
      He was up against an unpopular mayor and had the backing of some very influential unions. So what went wrong?”


    Pre-Marked Ballots Reported in Chicago Mayoral Runoff

    City official dismisses reports as ‘least effective conspiracy in history’…

    At In These Times, author and journalist Rick Perlstein covers reports from some Chicago voters claiming that they received paper ballots today that were pre-marked for Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) in his runoff election against the more progressive Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D):


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