Report: Giffords, Kelly’s Gun Control Group Now Pushing Temporary Gun Confiscation

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Americans for Responsible Solutions–the group formed by gun control proponents former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly–has issued a new report listing five ideas “to reduce gun violence.” Four of the five revolve around temporary gun confiscation or gun bans.

The report was issued in conjunction with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.  

According to the Arizona Republic, Giffords and her husband found the “rational middle ground” in the new report.

The report begins with the fairly innocuous idea of to removing “loopholes” where they exist between states and the federal government regarding information on the mentally ill. But after that, the focus turns to confiscation:

Idea Two: “Authorize law enforcement to remove access to guns, with court oversight and plenty of protections to prevent abuse of this authority.” The owner of the guns would “only” get them back once he or she was “no longer a danger to themselves or others.”

Idea Three: “Require schools, including colleges and universities, to report violent or suicidal people to a court or administrating agency.” These people would also have their firearms confiscated, but “could regain their firearms access…after a certain period of time.”

Idea Four: “Allow courts to issue ‘Gun Violence Restraining Orders.'” These result in temporary gun confiscation.

Idea Five: “Temporarily ban those who have been involuntarily hospitalized from purchasing or possessing firearms.”

Five ideas, four of which deal with gun confiscation or gun bans. Is this really the “rational middle ground”?

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14 thoughts on “Report: Giffords, Kelly’s Gun Control Group Now Pushing Temporary Gun Confiscation

  1. If the person who shot would have run over her with a auto, would she be after legislation to curb auto driving? NO, she would not… So all this is a sham on taking rights away.

  2. Just minor infringements, that’s all. Nothing to get alarmed about.

    Like the Energizer bunny, they just keep going, and going…

    Short drop with a sudden stop.

  3. Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty ‘s teeth.

    ~George Washington

  4. Every one of these ideas is NOT temporary as they are all on the basis of the same government trying to look for an excuse to take the guns away. So why in the hell would they ever give them back? Do they really think people are this dumb to fall for this shit? I mean I know Gabby is brain dead, but I’d like to think that most Americans aren’t.

  5. Has this worthless pile of ZIONIST trash ever worked an honest day in her life, or lived without body guards?

    What an elitist. Time to scrape the table clean after 238 years yet AGAIN.

    Look forward to see her and her fellow travelers walking up the gang plank in shackles with ball and chain onto the slowest confiscated Chinese broken down freighter we can find headed for Ivory Coast for permanent banishment with her entire family.

  6. Idea Two: “Authorize law enforcement to remove access to guns, with court oversight and plenty of protections to prevent abuse of this authority.”

    This idiot thinks we’re going to trust the Zionist-controlled courts to honor our second amendment.

    It’s going to be endless. Despite the historic lack of gun violence in this country right now, they’re going to keep pushing until they meet sufficient resistance.

  7. That whole Arizona shooting was staged. The target was a judge that was gonna hold people accountable for fast and furious. And he was a real victim. Not this dumb bitch. That’s never mentioned in the ziomedia. The ties to fast and furious.

  8. And her just getting wounded and going full retard on gun control was just a happy accident for the intel scum who hatched the operation. TPTB have no problem killing off their opponents, what are we waiting for?

  9. The Giffords, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Lautenburg, Bloomberg, Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan, Boxer, Levin, Kohl. Volcker, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Orzag, Emmaunuel, Exelrod, Franken, Summers, Vallerie Jarret, near all 33 of Obama’s Czars, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin: What do all these have in common? They are all Jews.

    In the first Soviet Socialist Government of 1917, of the 502 highest offices, 467 were occupied by Jews. Alexander Sozenitzyn writes in his last history of Russia, that the Jews murdered over 66 million Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians, Polish, etc, that all the prison camps, torture chambers and gulags were run by Jews.

    “Marranos” Spanish term for Jews who fake conversion but secretly practice there Jewish faith and continue to undermine and sabotage countries, religions and societies, also known as “crypto-secret Jews”.

    – John Kerry, Madeline Albright, General Wesley Clark – all outed by investigative journalists of having come from “centuries” of Jewish background including their immediate parents and family.

    – Nancy Pelosi and her husband are from generations of Argentinian Jews.
    – Supreme Sotomayer is from generations of Latin American Jews.
    – Saudi Royal Family converted to Islam in the early 1900’s from Judaism.
    – Putin’s father was chief cook or chef for both Lenin and Stalin, and a member of the Communist Party: In 1960 Putin and his mother “converted = Marranos” to the Russian Orthodox faith as many Russian Jews have done in order to escape repercussions from their past. The Ukrainian government is 66% Jewish but the Ukraine’s population is less than 1% Jewish. Near all Ukrainian legislators on “both opposing sides” are both former KGB and either outward Jews or Marranos. Jewish Oligarchs run both the Ukraine and Russia. (It’s complicated – but try to think of a gang of criminals or organized crime, all in the same occupation, but in different “click’s or gangs”.
    – The leader of ISIS or ISIL, whatever, is a MOSSAD agent and was born and raised a Jew.

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