Ride The Beast Train

It Ain’t Holy Water

There’s a network of freight trains that runs the length of Mexico, from its southernmost border with Guatemala north to the United States. In addition to grain, corn or scrap metal, these trains are carrying an increasing number of undocumented immigrants whose aim is to cross into the U.S.

And despite the many deadly challenges it poses, more and more children — both with adults and alone — have been making the risky journey. That prompted President Obama this week to warn of “an urgent humanitarian situation.”  

These aren’t passenger trains; there are no panoramic windows, seats or even a roof to guard from sun or rain. People call the train La Bestia, or The Beast. Some call it the Death Train.

It’s estimated that up to a half-million migrants now ride The Beast each year, sitting back-to-back along the spine of the train cars, trying not to get knocked off their rooftop perch.

“They’re just packed,” says photojournalist Keith Dannemiller, who has lived in Mexico for the better part of three decades. “There’s not much room for anyone else to get on board by the time the train pulls out.”




10 thoughts on “Ride The Beast Train

  1. And with no authority in Mexico trying to deter this, even for general safety’s sake, it can only be once again inferred that the Mexican government is in full support of dumping their excess population on us.

    Now take another look at how our own government is so anxious to open the border to unregulated Mexican truckers. By train to the border, then by truck to everytown USA. The only word for this is invasion. Sanctioned and supported by our own government.

  2. My son in his 20’s decided to take a trip to west Canada from here in Oregon…they would not let him cross the border because he had a DUI almost a year ago..and he tested at .088 (hardly even a buzz)…..just sayin…

    1. Them Canadians are a “Strange Brew”. Hey, let’s just ship all those illegals to Canada, see how they like that!

  3. The border must be secured. This ploy they use sending their children across first should be met with immediate detention and deportation. 2nd offense, summary execution. I’m sorry people if you feel I am “heartless” but, if we don’t stop this, your children will grow up in a imported “third world country” if it’s not too late already.

  4. Mark has called for Minuteman 3 twice this week on the microeffect, but no one has said anything to his suggestion.

  5. “That prompted President Obama this week to warn of “an urgent humanitarian situation.””

    Well Barry really cared, he’d send the military in to stop it, but nope. He just wants them to come into our country and he’ll let them go from there and sickeningly call them “Refugees”.

    I say it’s time to derail some trains or take out the tracks at the border.

  6. So tell me, how many poor children do you see in that train picture above? I count 2.

    How many adults do you see in that train picture above? I count thousands!!!

    So the MSM and our treasonous government can take their “Think of the children” bullshit propaganda and shove it up their asses!!

    1. Funny how this train NEVER has one of those infamous “accidents” like that train epidemic that has been going on around the rest of America for the past year or so. Guess when it comes to the Keystone XL for the Zionist oil companies, it’s OK for an “accident” to happen, but when it’s a bunch of illegal immigrants invading our country, it’s not. I see how it is.

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