8 thoughts on “San Bernardino Hoax

  1. I keep coming to this website, and I cant decide if it is just nuts or what. I prep, I am pretty much to the right of Attila the Hun, think our government and others in control are heading us towards tyranny and this will not end well. I think Sandy Hook was a hoax. But some of the stuff here is a little far out.

    1. “pretty much to the right of Attila the Hun”

      You almost got it… 🙂 Why haven’t you mentioned the American Nationals rights to restore the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC as envisioned by our forefathers? It’s NOT perfect , but beats the hell out of socialism. Along with re-instituting the ORIGINAL Bill of Rights? Dropping the Left/Right bullsh*t would clarify your position also… ❓

    2. SD Harms,
      Tune into the radio broadcast 2-4 Central Time, M-F, I think you will learn very quickly we are not nuts. You can also call in with questions and perhaps get some things cleared up.
      Come to the site the time that correlates with the Central time I mentioned above( not sure where you are, so of course the time may be different for you) and click on the link that takes you to the broadcast. Pick Henry and JD’s brain, they for sure are not nuts!

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