Sarah Palin found a novel way to turn down an interview request from Piers Morgan on Friday, posting a picture on Facebook of a bear she had shot dead and a note saying she was busy.
The former Alaska governor thanked chat show host Morgan for inviting her on his ‘shambolic show’ but added she was ‘kind of busy right now’.
The Facebook message, which had been liked by nearly 3,000 of Palin’s supporters within two hours of it being posted, is part of an online spat between the pair after Morgan poked fun at her intellect.
Earlier in the week the host of Piers Morgan Live tweeted ‘And she’s back’ and linked to a satirical article from the Daily Currant claiming Palin believed Jesus had celebrated Easter.
According to conservative website Breitbart, Morgan was ‘gleefully tweeting out a Currant story attacking Sarah Palin, without noting that the story was untrue’.
Palin linked to the Breitbart article and, in another twist of the knife, added in her Facebook message: ‘And to all our British friends: we ask, what did your friends across the pond ever do to you to deserve your Piers?’

Morgan was quick to respond to the picture, tweeting: ‘Un-bear-able’ before adding: ‘Being called ‘shambolic’ by @SarahPalinUSA is most amusing. I wonder if she can see irony from her house?’
The tweet was in reference to a Saturday Night Live skit of Palin during her vice-presidential campaign in 2008, when comedian Tina Fey, playing the Alaska governor, said: ‘I can see Russia from my house’.
Morgan has added that the invitation for Palin to appear on his show still stood
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2477047/Sarah-Palin-taunts-Piers-Morgan-picture-bear-shot-dead-posted-Facebook.html#ixzz2isD3bHx5
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Stupidity abounds.
I don’t understand why people shoot bears. They don’t eat them, they just have them skinned for the bear rug or packed full of dressing for display.
Such a waste of Nature.
Around here we eat bears.
I was going to say the same thing rumms. 🙂 Bear meat is kind of greasy though, I have been told it is good once you know how to cook with it and how to use it. Kind of how it is with any wild meat.
Grilled or broiled cook like a steak or a nice big 1 1/2 thick center cut pork chop. Or Stew, make it a day ahead and let cool, skim the fat off the top heat and eat. I handle it like pork mostly.
As for greasy, yes bear is a bit juicy, but not near as much as (I hope I don’t catch any crap for this) dog. Thai and Filipino dog any way.
I’m not sure about American dog, but when push comes to shove, I’ll know.
Yes Rumms. it is amazing what people will eat when we get hungry.
lol thats great rhumstruck.
While im unsure of dog even though i spent 3 years in asia (didnt ask what.. just ate)
Bear jerk is 4.0
For many the gall bladder is prized as far as i know.