Sheep, Fools, and The American Way Of Life

Patriots Against The New World Order – by Pete Smith

The new American way of life is to sit back and follow everything that the boob tube tells them! The news is 99% lies and about 1% half truth, but the sheeple of the country sit back and take it in like its the “Word Of God” and how dare you say any different to the fact! Well my dear Sheep you are being lied to every day of your sick weak life!

Now this news is not news to some of us. I’m sure a large percent of the people that read my blog know that the sheep are asleep and are sure to die or live a life in a FEMA camp. We, Being the awake and alert people to the real truth and the false flag lies of this Government know that doom is only a short time away. The coming collapse will be the worse event ever, and this country and the people of this country are not ready. I would bet that 3-5% of this country are ready for a full collapse. I know I have food and ways to hunt, fish and grow food, water and ways to clean water store and move water, guns, ammo and many other supplies but at times I sit and look at my gear and my stores and think do I have what I need? Will this be what I need to survive? If you are a survivalist or prepper and trust me there is a difference in the two you should always question your gear and your supplies. You should check and recheck your gear to make sure you have what you need and you can add what is missing.

There is a new wave of prepper shows and survival adds in books and on TV and many new survival magazines and many people are going out and buying this stuff and thinking they are ready. I go to shoot and much as I can and still feel like I am not as good a shooter as I could be, I store food or other supplies every week and still feel if I need more or I still don’t have what I need to survive. My question is how can someone that started prepping on Monday this week tell me on Sunday the next week he is ready to survive because he now has enough food for an extra two weeks and he bought a baseball bat and a flash light? I think the TV shows are fun to watch like, Doomsday Preppers it’s fun to see the fools they get to show off each week and make look crazy and sometimes the people still look OK and do a great job at showing off there plans to survive but as every week the last thing after each block of the show they tell you how what they are planning for could never happen there is only a 2% chance it would ever happen!!!! It’s as fun as watching old Looney Toons cartoons, with one twist the show and the Chanel and the network is making fun of a group of people and most of us fit into that group. We are just to smart to go on a show to let everyone around us see what we have and what our plan is……… Keep your preps to yourself and only tell people you trust with your life because when the Doom event hits that real nice family at the end of the street the one with three kids a dog and two cats. When the collapse hits they will show up at your door because they know you have extra and you have to share! How can you let them die and just remember you have so much! The sheeple are asleep and the only thing that can wake them is the truth and them having a “Come To Jesus Event” or the collapse hitting. Trust me when the collapse hits the sheeple will wake up very fast and then you are there best friend and you owe them!!!!

Stay awake and keep prepping!!!!

20 thoughts on “Sheep, Fools, and The American Way Of Life

  1. I need help! My parents are very die-hard Obama-ites (all they watch is MSNBC) and think they are too smart to believe in “conspiracy theories”. I’ve tried to tell them that we should prepare for a “doomsday event,” even tried to get them to watch “Doomsday Preppers”, but with no avail. I can’t convince them that they need to stock MORE food and water, but most of all have protection (they aren’t amused by guns). This is my biggest concern, because there are THREE prisons less than a mile from our house. I’m smart enough to know that this the LAST place you want to be when the feces hits the fan. What should I do?

    1. Walk up to them with a tape measure and start measuring them. When they ask you what you are doing, tell them you just want to get their coffin right. Tell them if they won’t listen to you, there is nothing left for you to say and as you love them you must make sure their stupid asses get buried properly.
      I’m sorry, but I have lost all tolerance for stupidity. And whether you believe me or not, this is exactly what I would do.

      1. I was thinking along those lines too Henry. What else could ya tell them, especially when it is a family member.

      2. That’s not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I feel you’re coming from a sincere place and will honestly try something along those lines. Thanks.

        1. start hiding a few cans here and there. They wont notice but when you pull out a box of food they will be very happy you did. You can stock up at those socialist food banks to. Just tell them you are homeless and have no ID. That will get you in the door. Free food to hide is always better than no food while hiding.

    2. Do the best you can to prepare in secret. Not much else you can do, unless you have the means to relocate yourself and hopefully when things get bad enough, they come to stay with you. That’s a tough spot to be in. It took me several years to get my wife on board, but when 2008 happened, she came around, so I can relate to your dilemma. Good luck and godspeed.

      1. Thanks, I have been going to the store as much as I can and buying a few cans of food here and there, I’m thinking about burying some of them in the sandbox in our backyard. It really hurts that my loved ones don’t believe, but I keep my head up.

    3. If your folks have any financial intrests, assests you might be able to get through to them showing some indications that the fincial system, the economy are in a very very poor state.

      Check some basic eco / fincial blogs. I like ( is interesting as well)- pertenant & easy to understand articles along with some more indepth ones. They have many other stories so it is not a dreary read (world events, news and so forth). This might be a way to get them prepared for what you believe to be comming & do not want to hear by having them prepare for something else (even if only to a lessor extent) resulting in similiar end result – preparation.

  2. If the world is coming to an end, why would I want to survive? I do not believe our inept media, our inept government, or this inept article. Have fun living in a cesspool with a tuna can, diseased fish, and veggies not growning. Once that is out, then you are finished too moron.

    1. This potential WW3 may not be the end of the world, but it will bring about a “new world order” very different from what we have now. The least we can do as individuals who are awake to the coming storm is to wake those who are asleep around us, in my case, and because of the urgency, it’s my stubborn family.

    2. Okay then what do you advise me to do?! Bend over a take it up the ass? Sorry, but that end is exit only.

    3. Ah, the Suicide Solution, eh?

      So, should we kill the kids & the pets too or just ourselves?

      Many people take meds required for life (literally), myself included.
      Sure I have some reserves but generating reserves of very expensive Rx drugs is not easy. Once my supply is gone soon there after am I. I do not plan on killing myself. I will stick around to help my family and likely other patriots that are willing to take the less easy path.

      Why wait? why don’t you just end yourself now as to not have to bear witness to the end sequences. ::barf::

  3. Learningslowly believe me I know what you are talking about with folks unwilling to prepare for the worst, calling you a tin-foil hatter, and worshipping the govt. That’s why I am glad I live out in the rural remote where most folks are aware to a good degree more or less, and have no problem defending themselves…even the liberals out here are pro-gun and can’t stand Obama.

    Christ has said (in a spiritual vein, but can be applied to everyday matters as well), that if you tell folks the truth and they shun you, as you leave the house kick the dust off your sandals and have nothing more to do with them. I know these are your folks, but if it really comes down to survival you have to put yourself and immediate family first…if your folks see the light however, then you can help them. Tough love works, believe me.

  4. Don’t listen to dabone he’s sounds like a jerk. Do the best you can, get what you can get together, make the plans you think you can handle and keep your eyes open and watch your back always.

  5. Most people I don’t have to convince that something is wrong, most people are waking up. But, when I do come across people that don’t believe it or see a need to prepare. I just act like… where have you been, everyone sees it, and everyone is preparing. Why do you think there is a rush to buy guns and ammo, and you can’t find it anywhere, The guns and ammo are flying off the shelf, duh!!! I say. I act like they are stupid, and where have they been. Everyone else is getting ready. They better wake up because they are way behind everyone else. You are the first people I have seen that aren’t getting ready. usually, that works because everyone wants to be like everyone else. You know part of the crowd, in the know. Then I make fun of them for watching the Mainstream media and believing it, and act like every get their news from Alternative News, now a days.

    Works every time hehe


      updated every few mins (really!) for price etc. The site is free and will redirect you to the place that has the offer you click on – excellent!!

      Shows a zillion retailers that sell online – sort by price, cal., toggle highest to lowest price and many many other ways.

      Never encounter another problem getting ammo if you know that site.
      Prices keep going up, why not seek the best price for the type/brand/kind of ammo you desire.

      1. Thanks for the link, Cynicles. I am checking it out now. Our local gun shop has most everything on the shelves again.

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