Single Mom’s TMI Minivan Decal Goes Viral – by Kaitlin Stanford

When it comes to the whole family car decal craze, opinions seem to be more or less split down the middle: You either love ’em or you hate ’em. In terms of “taste” level, they pretty much run the gamut. There are the run-of-the-mill, non-lame ones—your usual scene of a nuclear family, posing with the adorable family cat. And then there are the totally hilarious ones that make us giggle (like this entire family of Star Wars characters).  

But every now and then there are the family decals that are just kind of … not necessary. Like, say the “Daddy’s in jail and mommy’s stuck at home with five kids and a dog” decal, for instance. Yep, we didn’t know one like that existed, either, but the Internet brought it to our attention yesterday, and we haven’t found a way yet to unsee it. (Thanks, imgur.)

Hey, mom—maybe you don’t want to broadcast that kind of news on the back of your minivan? We’re not sure what kind of Jerry Springer episode is going on at home, but we’re pretty sure the world doesn’t need to hear about it. And we can’t imagine it’s good for the kids to make light of a little thing called jail. (Just us?)

What do you think of the decal? Funny or uncomfortable?

13 thoughts on “Single Mom’s TMI Minivan Decal Goes Viral

  1. I saw one of these yesterday in a large auto salvage yard with two mommies on the rear window.
    My buddy pointed it out and then we got a good laugh looking through the rest of the car to be sure we were correct. Lots of rainbows and the like inside.
    SSSStop it….. LOL.

    1. Hey Mark,
      If we all just laughed at the sight of these UNnatural-ANTI-life ANTI- family DISEASE PROMOTING FILTH KNOWN AS QUEERS they would slink back into their “closets” of shame

      1. Steve But but but we would be insensitive and hate filled with no tolerance for others differences ha ha ha ha.

        I look at it like this if you want to puff on a peter or eat clams feel free to do so just keep it away from the kids or anyone else as its your business and no bodies else.
        As soon as you promote anything you become a target so be ready to be attacked.

        1. Hey Mark,I dont hate these confused sodomites-I PITY AND PRAY FOR THEM as it is unnatural antilife and disease promoting perversion or as the CREATOR called them ABOMINATIONS.

  2. So, is this supposed to be bad?? The Author may need a few days of bad justice to see that this woman is telling a very real truth about America….land of the free, home of the imprisoned. The ONLY free people in America are Freemasons, and they’re the very ilk that SHOULD be in prison…beginning with Obama.
    This story is a rotten Apple, Steve.

    1. Mikey mikey mikey YOUR DAMN RIGHT IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE BAD,THATS WHY THE FKN STORY WAS POSTED to show the DEGRADATION of the american way of life.

  3. I would have to see the vehicle it was on to be sure it was real. If it was on one of those large Escalades with the shiny rims I see driving around, then it probably is. If it’s on a truck with a ladder strapped to the top, a dented fender, tools in the back and mud on the wheels, I would say it is a statement of the current situation we find ourselves in.

    Stay Alert, Stay Alive

    1. Slug,
      The answer is in the title of the article I E (SINGLE MOMS MINIVAN),really doesnt matter where or how its displayed, the fact is that 25% of the ENTIRE PLANETS prison population is right here in the LAND OF THE FREE.

        1. Hey Slug,
          I wasnt yelling I was enunciating,when I yell its more slobbering unintelligble blurts and such. I misread your meaning after dealing with the try to kill the messenger “mikey” who just totally missed the point and acted like I wrote the article,you might want to tell his mouth that Im no “rotten apple” Im more or the GREEN bittersweet variety LOL

  4. My Fellow Americans:

    It seems everybody has missed the real point of concern here:

    We don’t know why this man maybe in prison.

    It’s the idea that the courts are now casuing more familys to be divided than even the liberal agenda is.

    The US prison population is now so large,.. that we house more inmates than almost ALL other countries prisoners,.. combined!

    Most prisoners are in for minor drug offenses,.. while the real criminals,.. from Obama & Holder,.. on down to the Wall Street Banksters have not even gotten the equivalent of a parking ticket.

    The US “Prison-for-Profit” system,.. with the WRITTEN agreement by the “Enemy-Force-In-Occupation” (US Fed Gov’t), REQUIRES that the prisons be maintained at 90% occupany,… at MINIMUM!

    No,.. what this decal really shows,.. is the continued abuses by this Enemy-Force-In-Occupation,.. the destruction of the family unit,…. the creation of another batch gov’t subsidized supplicants (the mother and kids),… and the symbolic logo for the US’s Prison-For-Profit system.

    This decal is not a commentary on modern American life,… it is the Defacto symbol of the decay and wanton destruction of a once great nation,… in its final moments of existence.

    JD – US Marines – The King is dead,… Long live the king!!!!,… The Republic is dead,… Long live the Republic!

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